54: Conference room

Start from the beginning

Someone shuffled their feet under the table.

"From our knowledge, HYDRA took you all exactly four weeks ago and removed any mutations you guys had. So now, there was nothing unique about any of you. Then, they began pumping you with kill methods, believing that if they were to harm you enough, your bodies would create a non-human way to counteract the life-threatening treatment, and thus create superhumans."

"I know him." The pale blonde girl pointed to the boy with floppy black hair. "You said we didn't know each other, but I know him."

"Yeah, they had us train together." The boy added. "Three and Six."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"What?" The boy looked at me over the boy in between us.

"The numbers." I frowned.

"What do you mean, numbers. You've got one, I think." He held up his arm, which was uncovered, thanks to the hospital gown. There were three numbers tattooed on his left wrist. 006.

"What the f-" I caught myself. "Uhh."

The blonde girl raised up her arm, showing a number three.

Slowly, the rest of the group picked themselves off the table and showed me their arms. They were lined up by number order at the table, two through seven.

I looked at my own wrist, to find 001 written on it.

"Oh, what the actual fu-"

"Max!" Stark shouted.

"When was this here?" I exclaimed. "I don't remember getting a tattoo."

"They gave it to you a few days ago." He explained.

"Then why does it look fully healed?"

"That is another thing to talk about." He cleared his throat. "Anyways, to continue the story. Hydra experimented on you kids for three and a half weeks, Max, you only had two days. Then-"

"She had two days?!" The boy with black spiky hair shouted. "How does that make any sense-"

"Calm down," Stark muttered. "She was taken away from the facility three months ago. Then ran away, where HYDRA captured her again. She had the largest mutation, so somehow, she was more susceptible to the treatment. We don't know how, or why."

"So-" I muttered. "I only experienced a tiny bit of what they had?"

"She got out of it?" The boy continued. "Seriously? Her?" He was shouting, and I was covering my ears. "That's not fair at all!"

"Sit down," Stark ordered. "I was unaware of other facilities, and I would've taken you all if I had known."

"Oh, so she got special treatment, just because you didn't know?" He exclaimed. "We didn't deserve that-"

"I am fully aware of that fact!" Stark shouted. "Now sit down and stop interrupting."

The boy sat down.

"It was only two days ago that we realized there were more kids like Max," Stark said. "We infiltrated the building you guys were kept in and killed everyone there. We took everyone out and left. Then, we were stuck assessing everyone. We don't know what went down in the base, but we do know that you all have changed greatly, and we need to all work together and figure out how."

I clenched my fists as the lights flickered again. "Stark, fix your lights, for the final time."

"Max, I need to have a private conversation with you outside." He said. "Come on." He motioned for me to get up, then left the room.

"Oh my god." I pulled myself to my feet, annoyed at having found the most comfortable position ever, then being forced to move.

He shut the door behind us. Peter was in the hallway.

"Look, Max, you need to shut up about the lights!" He muttered. "I've got a few working theories about you, and it most definitely involves the lights. You need to sit down and listen, just like every other scared, confused, and tired kid in that room for the next hour, then you can leave."

"Mr. Stark-" Peter added.

"Fine," I said.

"What?" He looked at Peter, who was staring at the conference room through the small window on the door.

I looked in as well, to find a coffee cup floating above the table. The blonde girl, three, and the boy, six were whispering to each other while the rest of the kids watched the coffee cup go higher and higher until it bumped the ceiling.

"Hey hey hey!" Stark opened the door and walked back in. "Sit down!"

The cup crashed onto the table, and the girl scrambled back to her seat. 

"Looks like we got a real-life Carrie, folks!" Stark smiled. "Max, did you get that?"

I nodded.

"You all will have a lot of time to socialize later." He said. "For now, we need to go over what's gonna happen."

I fell asleep for most of it. 

I didn't dream, thankfully.

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