Unbeknownst to you he'd even gone so far as to dedicate a small shack a ways away from the mansion to his hobby. It was a simple wooden structure that wasn't exactly well made, as to why he had a covering over everything he cared about, and there were shelves upon shelves of his sculptures. The second you'd stepped in there you had paused in awe. There were so many and they were all so good, though Brian had claimed he'd thrown out the bad ones. You weren't surprised to find he was a bit of a perfectionist.

Chunks and slivers of wood laid in a pile at his feet. His expression was calm and even held a slight look of happiness. You were glad more now than ever that he'd decided to take his mask off around you. Now you hardly ever saw him in it unless he had to leave again. It was nice, and plus it gave you an opportunity to observe. Or really just stare. From the way his eyes swirled into a honey-like color in the sun to the small yet very cute gap between his two front teeth. It still confused you how hard it was to look away sometimes. It was almost like a magnetic feeling. Like you couldn't look away even if you wanted to.

You glanced down to the shining knife in his hands with a sigh. Just like everything he did, he was careful and efficient. Each cut being thought out and precise, he clearly knew what he was doing. Moving your gaze down even more you looked to his hands where he held what was turning out to be a deer, antlers and all. It came entirely from his memory which was amazing by itself, but the craftsmanship was what really made it come to life. It was beautiful.

Brian's eyes suddenly rose to meet yours, pausing as he let out a small smile. "Having fun?"

Leaning back a bit you couldn't help but smile as well, "Of course, it's nice out here."

A hum left him as he gave a slow nod. "It is." He looked down to the sculpture before looking back to you, "...if you want I could teach you?"

Your smile only brightened at this, "sure!" You hadn't the slightest idea of where to even start, but you figured it'd be fun; while you had done this before you could certainly use some tips.

Brian noticeably perked up at this and quickly got up before heading into the depths of the shack, soon returning with another knife and block of wood. He plopped down beside you with a much more lighthearted smile than you were used to. The usually expressionless man seemed so excited to show you the various techniques of slicing through wood. This laid back side of him didn't come out very often, but every day that passed you saw new parts of him. His habits, his lifestyle, his likes, his dislikes, everything was collecting in your mind the more you got to know him.

He held them out to you and you gladly took them. "Alright, first off hold the knife like this and keep your grip strong and controlled." He held up his hand, his fingers firmly wrapped around the handle, and you copied. He nodded in approval and continued on.

You were shown how to hold the wood and how to angle it in order to achieve a smooth edge. As you'd learned before, he was a very good and thorough teacher.

Shaven wood piled around the two of you and soon enough you had a circle as that's what he'd had you start out with. Even with his tips the circle turned out worse than you'd hoped. You had no idea what you were doing, but you'd tried. It was bumpy in places and not very smooth. Compared to his, it looked like a lumberjack's scraps.

You sighed as you looked to his. It was perfect, and this fact made you huff. Brian looked up and noticed this, but he looked more amused than sympathetic.

"Everyone starts somewhere," he said in an attempt to reassure you.

Dramatically you huffed again, "I bet your first one wasn't nearly as bad as this."

"Yeah, it wasn't," Brian replied without an a ounce of hesitation.

You blinked as the two of you made silent eye contact. The man wore a cocky, carefree smirk. You couldn't come up with a comeback even if you wanted to. You didn't even know what to do or say, all you did know what that it was impossible to maintain your serious expression.

Not another moment passed before a smile broke through and a giggle followed. He seemed surprised for a split second until his smile rose into a grin and he laughed right along with you.

His laugh was deep and contagious, and it filled you with even more butterflies. You felt giddy and happy, your face even growing sore from how much you'd been smiling

When the laughing fit died down you wiped yours eyes and calmed to a smile. Brian sighed in content before doing the same. The sun on your backs only made the moment warmer. Your chest felt fuzzy and a heat had risen to your cheeks, making them flushed with red. Looking to Brian you saw the same thing.

Your eyes stared into each other in blissful happiness. Both taking in how the other looked, not caring if they were caught. It was the comfort couples felt, but that wasn't what the two of you were. It was a purgatory of unfamiliar feelings. Yet neither of you minded the staring. It felt right, and when your eyes met again you couldn't miss the way his eyes flickered to your lips. That felt right too.

You were so unsure of everything, and so was he, but that didn't stop the two of you from leaning in and embracing the confusion and questions you'd yet to find the answers to.

10/10 as it gets 

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now