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Choerry's POV.

Everything Y/n felt I felt too. I somehow managed to rub the blurriness out of my eye and held Y/n's head in my lap.

Choerry's: "N-N/n? Y/n? Y/N! What did that bitch do to you!? V! Get Yoongi here in the next five minutes V!"
V: "I called him to Y/n's houses, he's on his way already! You go first, I'll take the kids back to day care!"

I carried Y/n and rushed back to the house. V watching our backs, making sure we got there safe. Yoongi met us at the house and I laid Y/n down on the couch.

Yoongi: "What went down?"
Choerry: "T-This girl from Y/n's past ran into us and after Y/n said her piece, she fainted."
V: "It was Rosè."
Yoongi: "Yerim, Y/n's gonna be okay. Exhaustion and trauma from seeing her was the cause of this."

He put two pills into Y/n's mouth which made her more at ease because I felt it.

Choerry: "You know Rosè?"
Yoongi: *chuckles* "That evil woman wanted to marry Y/n so many times. Hell, she's worse than Soojin. There was a time where Soojin and Y/n were seeing each other, this made Rosè upset like hella mad. They both ruined Y/n but I have to say, Soojin did protect Y/n from Rosè. That was the only right thing she's done for my daughter and I'm grateful for that. Now Y/n has you to protect her. You are doing great and-omo."
Choerry: "What?"
Yoongi: "A r-ring? Since when?"
Choerry: *smiles* "Since 4 hours ago. She proposed right in front of the Park."
Yoongi: *smiles* "Omo, I'm so proud and happy for you two. V, let's grab a drink. Y/n will wake up in a few minutes."
Choerry: "Thank you again."
V: "I'm sorry Yoongi and Yerim. I only let Rosè and Y/n shoot together because the kids were there and I thought I could keep her safe."
Yoongi: "Don't worry about it dude, Yerim's got her."
Choerry: "Yes, don't be too hard on yourself. The kids being there helped because she ran off. Thank you V."

He nodded with a boxy smile before the two guys headed out for a drink. I studied Y/n, her fingers twitching before her eyes opened.

Y/n's POV.

I was in a hotel room from the 1980's where I had met Rosè. I strictly remember she brought me to this room after I was drunk and slept with me. I was in bed, siting up trying to process what happened when she popped out from the bathroom.

Rosè: "Hey cutie."
Y/n: "What...what happened last night?"
Rosè: "You don't remember do you?"
Y/n: "W-Why am I naked? You...you drugged me-
Y/n: "No, you dragged me in here and wanted to sleep with me. You will tell everyone that we are together and smile because you are mine."
Y/n: "No."
Rosè: "I remember you saying yes at this part. I will find you again Y/n."

I jolted awake, sweat dripping down my face.

Y/n: "I need to leave!"
Choerry: "Hey! Shh, I'm right here!"

Her hug engulfed me and I finally felt safe.

Y/n: "S-She was there. She's gonna find me again Yerim."
Choerry: "No she's not. We promised to keep one another safe, I vow that to you N/n. You've been taking care of me since we met now it's time for me to do the same. Look at me."

Her hand holding my cheek with a reassuring smile.

Choerry: "She's not laying hands on you again."

I leaned my head on hers. Then something hit me.

Y/n: "We haven't been going to school bro."
Choerry: "Oh shit."
Y/n: *laughs* "Don't worry, I'll provide everything you and your girls need."
Choerry: "I still wanted a graduation though."
Y/n: "Okay, I can make that happen."

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