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The three were making their way towards us and Y/n looked at them with a bored face before sitting down.

Jennie: "Did you really have to humiliate us yesterday?"
Y/n: "I don't know, you looked pretty scared then."
Jennie: "I will tell my dad about this-
Y/n: "That's all you can do anyways, snitch to your dad. Always being a spoiled brat and buying all the expensive shit from daddy's paycheck? Right, so why don't you and your girls do me a favor and fuck off."
Jennie: *scoffs* "You have no idea who you're talking to. We have the best men to take you down and our manager will get rid of you!"

Y/n and Somi started laughing.

Jennie: "What? You think this is funny!?"
Somi: "Sorry, but you can't tell your manager shit."
Jennie: "Why-
Y/n: "Because we are the manager of your dad's company and everything he owns belongs to me."

Choerry: "OHHHHH!"
Hyejoo: "You need some aloe for that burn!?"
Gowon: "Get outta here!"
Heejin: "You're lower than Y/n!"
Somi: *chuckles* "Respect your senior managers and get the fuck out of my sight."

The three did the walk of shame and disappeared.

Y/n: "The audacity that they have. Can you believe her?"
Somi: "She's gonna go cry to her dad now."
Y/n: "I don't care. She can cry all she wants, her dad respects me."
Choerry: "Aren't you younger though?"
Somi: "Y/n's a lot older-

Y/n covered Somi's mouth.

Choerry: "WAIT-

And they're gone.

Haseul: "Let's follow!"

Y/n's POV.

We were in an empty hall.

Y/n: "Why would you say that?"
Somi: "It's the truth."
Y/n: "They can't know we're hundreds of years old. They don't even know about Heejin yet."
Somi: "I read their memories Y/n. I also saw part of their future, with us, you should trust them and they seem like really amazing people. It's time to trust people again before we're gone. That girl, Yerim. I know you want to trust her too Y/n so what's holding you back?"
Y/n: "It'll be hell if I trust her and I cannot feel that emotion."
Somi: "What emotion?"

Y/n: "I cannot feel love and nor can I trust anyone."
Somi: "Why not?"
Y/n: "For centuries I have caused problems for every person I met, if I choose to love and trust again, the person I love will be in danger all the time. No one can live in peace if they're life involves me. Me, you, Wonwoo, us, we are the definition of cursed and evil."
Somi: "And we will help you as always. Wonu and I are your family and family keep each other safe. Always and forever."
Y/n: "I have felt like I don't belong in this family ever since mom died. I don't need that, this, to happen with the girls. They have heard stories of the big bad hybrid killing everyone who blocks her path."
Somi: "Then stop killing."
Y/n: "I can't do that-

I heard shuffling around the corner and stopped talking.

Somi: "What are you guys doing?"

Choerry was pushed out.

Chuu: "She wanted to follow and see if you were okay."
Choerry: "What!! No you wanted to-
Y/n: "How much did you hear?"
Hyejoo: "Uh, up to the point where you said no one can live in peace if you're in our life."
Y/n: "If you are lying to me, I'll compel all of you to forget this. Please don't mind this."
Choerry: "Mind what-
Y/n: "I need to tell you something."

I grabbed her arm and ran to the rooftop. I put her down and she looked at me confused.

Choerry: "Are you mad at me?"
Y/n: "No, I'm not. You heard I don't trust and love easily but I have the urge to tell you everything, I don't know either but my heart is telling me to tell you. Will you listen?"
Choerry: "Yeah of course. Sit."

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