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Y/n's POV.

Choerry: "Wait so can you still have kids? How does it work with all of us?"
Y/n: "Why are you asking me that? I guess you'll have to see the consequences of that if you sleep around. Have you wolves had your first moon yet?"
Vivi: "I have but not the other three."
Y/n: "It hurts like hell right?"
Vivi: "Yeah, all my bones were cracking and my eyes turned yellow just like a wolf."
Y/n: "And it lasted hours?"
Vivi: "The whole night it lasted."
Y/n: "With more time you'll be able to control it Vivi. Then you other three, I'll be waiting for your turn at the next full moon."
Hyejoo: "Don't you turn too though?"

I looked away.

Y/n: "I can control it better. But you vampires can't go out in the sun right?"
Kim Lip: "Nope."
Choerry: "Or else what?"
Y/n: "Some of us will shine really brightly when the sun hits us or newborns will burn to death. Which is why I have one of these."

I held up my hand.

Yves: "A daylight ring! H-How come Heejin has one too? They don't exist anymore do they?"
Y/n: "They do but only these two can make them."

I pointed to Jinsoul and Gowon.

Y/n: "Witches can cast a spell for these rings."
Heejin: "I have one because I told someone to make me one."
Haseul: "We're learning a lot about you today Heejin and we've known you for like four years."
Heejin: "What people don't know they can't ruin."
Choerry: "So if a hybrid bites someone they'll also be a hybrid?"

Me and Heejin looked at each other.

Y/n: "It depends. A bite from me can kill a werewolf and make vampires hallucinate for days. But overall, a human can be like me if I bite them but it will hurt. They only turn if they have my blood to complete the transformation, otherwise they die."

Y/n: "Nope, I will not use my gift to turn people. But maybe your girlfriend can turn you."
Yves: "No."
Chuu: "Please!"
Yves: "No! Now stop before I bite you again."
Y/n: "Choerry why are you asking so many questions?"

She looked down.

Choerry: "I-I'm curious and want to be like you."

My eyes widened a little.

Y/n: "Oh."
Somi: "Y/n!"
Wonwoo: "Noona!"

Those two are my siblings. We're not on the best of terms but we're alright.

Wonwoo: "Ooh who are these pretty noonas-
Somi: *slap* "Stop it. Who are these girls Y/n?"
Y/n: "Classmates."
Wonwoo: *GASPS* "Heejin noona-

I covered his mouth and put him in a headlock.

Y/n: "Shut. Up."

I let him go.

Heejin: *bows* "It's nice to meet you again Somi unnie and Wonwoo."
Somi: "Nice seeing you older now Heejin."
Hyunjin: "How do you know them?"

Y/n: "I'm gonna kick your ass back to America later."
Wonwoo: "Do it."
Somi: "Shut it you two."

Y/n: "You ruined my mood, let's go."
Choerry: "Where are you going?"
Wonwoo: "We only come to school for half the day."
Hyejoo: "Why?"
Somi: "Priorities at home and we have to return Y/n to her house."
Y/n: "I can go alone-
Somi: "Shh. But yeah, we'll see you girls tomorrow."
Yeojin: "You're so cool unnie!"
Somi: *smiles* "Thanks, lets go. And did you make that mess?"
Y/n: "Who do you think?"
Wonwoo: "Ooh! You like her don't you!?"
Y/n: "Who?"
Wonwoo: "That noona right there with food on her cheek-

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