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Choerry's POV.

By now the moon was rising. I was watching Y/n teach the two witches some spells. Chuu was watching her girlfriend fight. Y/n's cute and really focused when she's explaining.

Gowon: "So you're not a hybrid?"
Y/n: "I'm also a tribrid of a witch, wolf, and vampire. I inherited the witch side from my mom and she used her magic to make me a vampire, but I was born a wolf."
Choerry: "What did you do after you turned into all of these things?"

She looked at me.

Y/n: "Well look who's eavesdropping."
Choerry: "We're stuck in a bubble together."
Y/n: "I guess. I knew I had to keep those four things separate."
Somi: "If Y/n interfered in a wolf problem as a vampire, it wouldn't be good, vice versa."
Choerry: "So what if you had a baby with another hybrid-
Somi: "Yeah-

She stopped, frozen in her spot. Y/n held her hand up and the people they were fighting froze too.

Y/n: "What's wrong-
Somi: "I just saw a glimpse into the future of all of us."

It was a moment of silence. They were reading each other's heads.

Y/n: "No, that can't be-
Somi: "Think about it Y/n. That's why you can't read her head."

Then they started talking in English.

Somi: "She's meant for this life, with you. Why do you think you can't even read her mind? You can do it with everyone else but her. That's her gift if she's one of us."
Y/n: "Which is?"
Wonwoo: "She's a shield Y/n. You can't read her because she's blocking you from doing so. She can protect us from a fight-
Y/n: "I will not risk her life for that. Did you see if she survived if I turned her?"
Somi: "No, I couldn't see past her turning point-

Hyejoo started feeling nauseous and kneeled.

Y/n: "It's starting. All of you get in the bubble if you aren't turning."

Yoongi came out with some things.

Yoongi: "Each of you girls drink this."

It was a light purple substance in a glass bottle.

Vivi: "Shouldn't we be chained up-
Yoongi: "I want you girls to do this outside in nature and under the moonlight."

As soon as they drank that purple drink, their ankles broke which made them kneel.

Y/n: "Listen to me very carefully. This is going to hurt so I need you guys to concentrate on the air in your lungs and the ground beneath you."
Yeojin: "OW!"

Their backs were now breaking and they were shriveled up like a dog on four legs.

Y/n: "It can take up to hours-
Hyunjin: "HOURS!?"
Y/n: "If you fight it. The pain will make you want to delay because you think that's all you can take but if you let it in, if you let it swallow you whole then it cannot break you."

She looked at each of them.

Vivi: "Y-Yeah, we can do this."
Y/n: "When you fully transform, run wild and free in the woods."

She pat each of their heads before coming into the safe bubble with us. Yoongi did too.

We watched a few more minutes as they struggled and growled from pain.

Then at the same time, they all dropped and looked up with eyes of yellow.  With a jump they turned into a pack of wolves. Hyejoo was a light grey one, Hyunjin a dark brown, Vivi light black, and Yeojin had greys and browns in her kinda like Heejin.

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