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Choerry's POV.

A few weeks had passed but I still remember Y/n. She's stupid for thinking it would've worked compelling me. Yeojin makes it better though, but I miss Y/n. Unnies don't even bring up Y/n anymore, I guess she really left.


Choerry: "Have you heard anything about Y/n?"

They all dropped their chopsticks and looked at me.

Kim Lip: "You remember?"
Jinsoul: "Okay how?"
Choerry: "It doesn't work on me. Where is she?"
Yeojin: "She left Choerry."
Choerry: "No she didn't. Please just tell me how she's doing."
Heejin: "Y/n is doing her best at trying to keep you safe. I suggest you keep quiet and try to do the same."
Choerry: "What about Soojin?"
Hyunjin: "Y/n took care of her already."
Choerry: "You guys came back from a trip right? Italy you said? She's there right? With Wonwoo oppa and Somi unnie?"
Heejin: "No, after dealing with Soojin she left without a word to us Choerry. Plus I thought you liked Yeojin more, why are you asking for Y/n now?"

I glared before scoffing.

Choerry: "I have not made my decision yet so shut the fuck up. And I'll find Y/n on my own if you're too scared to say so."

I stood up and left to walk the halls. How could they not even tell me where she is?

Jennie: "Hey Choerry."
Choerry: "I'm not in the fucking mood."
Jennie: "I am not here to bully you and get myself killed by Y/n. But I heard rumors of where Soojin is."
Choerry: "Where?"
Jennie: "In the woods towards the Seoul Tower, there is a secret underground way where a tombstone lies. It's a place that if vampires get in they can't get out. Only non-vampires can go in on and out."
Choerry: "And if you're lying I'll tell Y/n to kill you as I watch."

I turned the other way and walked to class. I made my way there after school with a bottle of blood, don't ask how I got it. The woods were creepy and I should've brought Kim Lip with me. Then I found it, there were some stairs leading down somewhere. I went down those steps and the door was opened. I called for Soojin and she came out looking pale and parched from not drinking blood in weeks.

Soojin: "Little sweet Choerry."
Choerry: "I have questions for you."
Soojin: "I'm not gonna answer-

I waved the bottle of blood and she was gonna run out the door to get it but couldn't. Like there was an invisible wall resisting her. She gasped and stared at the bottle like it was her everything. I sat down, not too close to the opening, and poured some blood into the cup. I used a stick to push it towards her. She took and drank it as her face became normal looking.

Choerry: "How did you meet Somi and Y/n?"
Soojin: "I met Somi at the beginning of 1868, we dated for two years. I never had romantic feelings for her but I went along with it."
Choerry: "Why?"
Soojin: "Why else? I had my eyes on Somi's younger sister Y/n. I used Somi to make a move on Y/n. Now Y/n was my first for everything and I was the first for her too. We dated behind Somi's back for so many years until she found out in 1879. I said I'd share myself with those two and they immediately agreed. I used them both as muppets but I used Somi the most because I loved Y/n more. By that I mean, I made Somi do more of the dangerous work. In 1883 they showed me who they really were, vampires and beasts. I wanted them to turn me but they didn't want to. So Y/n casted a spell and turned me into one of them."
Choerry: "A hybrid?"
Soojin: "Unfortunately no, just a regular vampire."

I poured her more blood but was hurt. Y/n turned Soojin to a vampire, but why couldn't she turn me?

Soojin: "Why do you even want to know all this?"
Choerry: "I'm trying to learn more about her and her life. I know she won't tell me so I'm coming here. Do you know where she is?"
Soojin: "Oh, no. She threw me in here and ran off."
Choerry: "How did Y/n treat you?"
Soojin: "Oh she was in love. I probably ruined her which is why she is how she is now. Cold and heartless but back then she was so whipped and thoughtful of others. Wanna see?"
I nodded.

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