Vol twelve. (Pinned)

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The next five minutes felt like an eternity

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The next five minutes felt like an eternity.

Even the nearby surroundings seemed to understand that this was no small issue, clearing out so only the main players are seen under the spotlight.

The front of the arcade hall has become the main stage for a rapidly brewing conflict. On one side is Hyewon, whom you thought went home when you bid farewell earlier that day, and on the other is Yena, someone you were desperate to see after quite some time. Standing in the middle caught in the crossfire of a personal dispute is Chaewon, who you assume has little to no idea about any of their issues, not even her supposed new friend.

The older woman sees her prized possession in the hands of someone else—and that possession happens to be you.

You feel your heart race faster with each passing second. Your train of thought crumbles as your two girls engage in a prolonged staring contest, looking to impose their will on the other. Though their interactions in the past were brief, you know that they never really meshed together, even as acquaintances. They never shared any open hatred for each other but their body language says it all. Between her and Eunbi, Hyewon would at least show your ex-girlfriend mutual respect even when they shared you for a few moments.

You feel your hand loosen from Yena's grip, yet it doesn't relieve you of the anxiety you're going through at that moment. They parallel each other's steps, walking back and forth in front of you while your gaze constantly shifts between their piercing stares. It's a standoff without any guns or weapons used. As much as you want to interject and break the tension, anything you do can possibly tip the women past their breaking point. From the eyes and cameras of passersby watching the scene unfold, it's awkward, intense, and fiery all at once.

God forbid you ever resolve an argument peacefully in your life.

Thankfully, there's Chaewon who has other plans in mind to speak on your behalf.

"Hey! What's going on here?" she shouts, deflecting the women's attention to her. It works, but only for a brief moment before they lock in on each other's eyes again.

Keeping their distance apart they continue to stare deeply into the other's soul. Without uttering a word they want to prove that they deserve to have you—even if they have to fight their rival for it. For them, they just need you to say the word and they'll immediately be right at each other's throats.

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