The Council of Masters: Part 2

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The dreaded day had finally arrived. The last master had arrived meaning Anya would soon be called upon to do the one thing she was perhaps the most afraid of. She would be testifying on what she had seen and heard of the goblin problem since their skirmish with the goblins and their troll ally.

So much had happened since the trio of Journeymen left their village, between the excitement of the actual trip and then of course her time with Gabe. Over the course of the last three weeks, Anya knew she had fallen hard for Gabe. She had not yet said it out loud but she knew that she loved him and she was pretty sure that he loved her back.

Three weeks might have been considered a short time to fall in love with someone before the Separation but in a world where lives could be cut so dramatically short, love seemed to come quickly. Almost like love sensed that the two young people may not have much time and worked with a sense of urgency. Anya and Gabe had also spent nearly every waking moment together since they met which only furthered their connection.

Gabe's affections had been the perfect distraction for the pressure of what would come when the Council finally met. Anya felt that the decision of the Council rested solely on her ability to communicate the horrific atrocities that had been carried out at her old village and her interaction with the man and his goblin allies from that awful night on the road. The apprentice had no idea of how the meeting would go and though she couldn't admit her feelings of love for her wizard companion, she was capable of voicing her doubts. Gabe had been seemingly perfect in putting her mind at ease.

Jack and Chuck had also done their part in preparing her for her testimony. Both men being experienced police officers meant they had their fair share of trial appearances when called upon to speak of their arrests in court. The two veteran officers had gotten plenty of opportunities to undergo the brutality of a skilled defense attorney attempting to make the confident and competent deputies out to be incompetent fools. The men knew that their greatest opposition on the Council also had plenty of courtroom experience and had done their best to give Anya a clear picture of what may come. She was grateful for the opportunity but, as she had admitted to Gabe during one of their many talks, the preparation had only made her more nervous.

Up until a runner from the town guard found her at the tea shop that had been their most frequent place to spend time together, Gabe had nearly exhausted himself finding ways to entertain and distract her.

"Ma'am, you're being asked to return to the Meeting House for the Council meeting. The last master has arrived," a young city guardsman said. The man was slightly out of breath, evidently taking his role as a runner literally.

Anya recognized the young man as one of several guardsmen who took turns on post at the Meeting House. She instantly began to feel that sense of despair when something dreaded has finally begun. "Do they want me now?" she asked nervously.

The guardsman laughed at himself, "Apologies ma'am, the meeting is set for later this evening, before sunset. I was sent to make sure you knew to come back in time." The young man, probably no older than the recipient of his message then turned and left at a jog with a simple nod to couple seated at the table.

The two sat at the table in silence for a moment, their brief but peaceful time in the city having now come to an end. For Anya the time had felt almost like a dream and she was disappointed that reality was finally catching up with them. It was Gabe who broke the silence with a sigh.

"Well, it is why we're here isn't it? And it's only around noon so we still have a few hours to do whatever you want to do," he said in an obvious attempt to comfort his tea date.

Anya took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. "Whatever I want?" she asked, suddenly opening her eyes with a mischievous grin.

Gabe gave a suspicious smile and nodded, "Whatever you want!"

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