The "Big" City

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Anya's awe quickly subsided once she and her companions passed through the city gates. They had nothing for the gate guards to check and even if they had, Jack and Chuck had identified themselves as Journeymen and were immediately let through, as was the rest of the group. Chuck had told Anya that weapons were allowed in the city but the checks were to warn any guests that only pistols and hand to hand weapons could be carried within the city and that rifles and shotguns had to be put away at the earliest possibility.

The only exclusions were for those selling weapons, the city guards, and of course the Journeymen. Chuck had also told Anya that the guards also checked for any kinds of explosives which were strictly prohibited in the city. Anya was pleased to hear she wouldn't have to worry about any bombs going off at least.

Where the large stone and concrete walls had been new and impressive, the town of Dumas was certainly not in the slightest. The streets were busy and crowded with people on horseback, in carts, and on foot and it seemed as though each street was lined with traders and shops but the actual structures of the town looked no different than any other small pre-Separation town. The houses were unimpressive and standard, the strip malls and pre-Separation businesses were all one story and had clearly seen better times.

But despite the lackluster appearance of the city, Anya could still see excitement and life in the once sleepy town of Dumas. This was the closest thing that Anya had seen to civilization in years. The shops that lined the streets sold food, drinks, clothes, weapons, even electronics and just about anything else one could imagine.

Liza spoke up as she passed a familiar shop, one that based off of the sign had once been a dry-cleaner shop, "There is my tailor! She is almost wholly responsible for my wardrobe! She is an artist!"

Anya rolled her eyes at the loud, attention loving enchantress. The front glass of the tailor's shop was lined with fine clothes for both men and women, some fancy and for more formal events, others more plain but obviously well-made with more practical use clearly intended. A woman inside the shop waved at Liza who happily waved back in reply.

Past the gates and initial busyness of what was obviously the market area, the city became much more residential in nature. The houses were still like the ones that surrounded to market area but these had gardens, animal pins and other signs of life without power. There were no children in the streets and Anya thought to herself that maybe there was even a school in this city. Her formal education had promptly ceased when she was fifteen when public schools stopped receiving funding at the time of the Separation.

"There it is! That's my house right there!" Liza said, pointing at a house on the street corner. There was an active garden, an apple tree, and a chicken coop with at least a dozen chickens and a rooster. Anya tilted her head to the side, confused at how Liza's house that she did not live in full time could be so vibrant and alive.

"Miss Liza! It is so nice to see you home!" a previously unseen man who looked to be in his 60s called out.

Anya almost couldn't believe it. Liza had a full time servant. For what was likely just one of several homes. The man obviously kept up the garden and animals and seemed to keep the house in immaculate condition. The house was not large and would not have been impressive before the Separation but it was in good shape and the house even had several solar panels on the roof. It was not as substantial as Jack's solar array which ran a whole inn that could house a good number of guests between the private rooms and the garage which had been converted to a bunk house, but it was clearly enough to make sure that Liza could stay in relative comfort when she was staying in Dumas.

"Hello Martin!" Liza said, waving at the older man. She turned to her travel companions, "That is Martin! He takes care of my house here! I spend most of the winter here in Dumas so this is my nicest home. My other homes don't have full time housekeepers but I keep Martin around to make sure this house stays ship shape, even when I'm gone!"

Jack and Chuck looked at one another before Chuck spoke up, "The potion and alchemy business must be good if you can afford multiple houses and have a full time servant for your winter home."

Liza smiled, "Well potions are still rare so only the wealthy can afford them. You'd be surprised at how much a wealthy rancher or a town mayor with a bald spot would pay for something as unimportant as a hair regrowth potion. Don't even get me started on how much people pay for healing potions."

Jack raised an eyebrow, "I haven't heard of healing potions, we might have to discuss that some time."

Liza nodded, "They're nothing too special, they mostly just cure things that people used to take medicine for. Antibiotics can be hard to come by but with a few ingredients and of course a little magic, I can make a potion that does the same thing."

Jack looked impressed much to Anya's disappointment. She was ready to leave this woman, whom everybody seemed to love so much, behind. She sincerely hoped that her teachers would deny any further invitations from the infuriatingly perfect woman. Almost as if Jack read her mind he nodded and spoke up.

"Alright Liza, it was nice traveling with you but it's time for the four of us to head to the Meeting House," Jack said with a courteous smile.

Liza turned the corners of her mouth down in an exaggerated frown, "Oh it is too bad you all have to go. Well goodbye Master and Apprentice Journeymen! Goodbye Gabriel!" Liza turned to give Gabe a knowing wink before leading her men to the front of her house.

Anya sighed in relief as the blonde woman rode away, leaving her with her preferred company. Specifically Gabe, whom she hoped hadn't forgotten about her entirely, and her two masters, who she was sure would be taking them straight to the meeting house.

Jack and Chuck looked at each other and then at Anya and Gabe. Chuck was the one who spoke, "Alright who is ready to see the Meeting House?"

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