The Council of Masters: Part 1

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Outside of the main hall of the Meeting House, Jack nervously fidgeted with his holstered pistol. Ever since he was a rookie patrol officer, he had always unintentionally turned to using the abrasive grip texture of his sidearm to scratch some insatiable itch on the inside of his thumb. He never intended it as a response to a threat, it simply made a great improvised miniature scratching post and when he was nervous, his fingers always seemed to itch. Chuck had even called him out on it back while Jack was still in field training but he never seemed to break the habit. He wore his camouflage hunting clothing and the cleaner and newer pair of boots he brought along. He had forgone his boonie cap and left his rifle in the room he had been sleeping in, hoping to appear more formally dressed.

Chuck, dressed in his camouflage pants and a plain green t-shirt with his pistol holstered on his hip, walked alongside his old friend, "Hey man, there's no need to be nervous. This is barely even public speaking. It's just me, you, and eight of our friends." Chuck paused for a moment, "Well maybe sort of friends. Walter and Dan should maybe be considered colleagues rather than friends," he said with a crooked smile.

Jack looked at his closest friend and partner. In many ways, Chuck was closer to Jack than even his brothers. Chuck may not have known him for as long, but he and Chuck had a bond forged in the trials they faced, both as deputies and now as Journeymen. Other than Aly, Chuck was the only one who could see through whatever defensive barriers Jack could put up.

Anya walked between the pair and looked back and forth between the two tall men. "So I have to wait in the office until you guys come get me?"

Anya had also done her best to look more formal, wearing a pair of tan cargo pants that were at least one size too large and a mostly clean white t-shirt that she normally used as an undershirt. Her pistol was holstered in a leather holster that her father had often referred to as his "fancy dress" holster. She wore her hair down and had it tucked behind her ears to keep it away from her face. Jack imagined that the apprentice was probably nervous as well but she made a good show of hiding it.

Chuck looked down at the apprentice Journeyman and nodded, "Yes ma'am. Aside from when you come in to give your account of the events at your village, this meeting is for masters only."

Chuck pointed at Gabe who stood close behind the trio of Journeymen, "If you and magic man want to, you can hang out together in there. But he can't come in the meeting at all."

Gabe nodded respectfully, "Don't worry, I won't be a problem. I understand how important this is."

Gabe looked laid back and content as usual, wearing a faded red t-shirt and blue jeans. The young man never seeming to be phased by anything. Jack appreciated the wizard's understanding of the situation and his willingness to stay on the sidelines. Over the last few weeks, Jack had grown to appreciate and even respect their magically gifted companion. Despite his initial impression of Gabe, the traveling magician had impressed everybody with not only his skills as a wizard but also with his insightfulness and his behavior around Anya, who Jack and Chuck closely watched over. Gabe had been nothing shy of gentlemanly to the younger woman and the two masters recognized this.

Anya and Gabe went to wait in the office that Jack, Chuck, Walter, and Dan met in on that first day in Dumas as Jack and Chuck entered the meeting hall. The room felt excessively large as there were only ten masters present but Jack still found himself again nervously fidgeting with the grip of his pistol. Walter and Dan already sat in the room along with Vicky and two of the other masters, a pair who were partners in the windswept plains of the territory that had once been Oklahoma. Although the final master, who traveled all the way from the former state of Arkansas, had arrived hours before, it had been decided that the meeting would take place in the evening before sunset.

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