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Hello my dear readers!

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day/evening to read my rewritten version of Your Symphony! It means the world to me that I still have readers from the very beginning, continuing to read my works even if I've been lacking on updating. And I also would like to welcome new readers! Although I must warn you that I don't update as often as I'd like.

Reason for that, I am awfully busy. I recently quit my old job and have been working on establishing a new position at my second ( now current job ), all while getting set up and with my new hire at a new job ( two jobs total ). I'm also working on moving apartments, looking for a place close to my girlfriend and her school so I can, as a loyal and gold retrieving partner- rub her back at fucking two am. Lmao.

I just need to get all of this done before I can officially go back to writing oneshots and even getting started on new or rewritten stories. My mental health has been a little better, thanks to my gf and thanks to a new start at a new job and potentially a new apartment.

I can't wait to come back and write more stories for you guys. But this needs to be established, I will not be here forever and will only continue to write if I truly have time. If I don't and can't dedicate myself to writing for you guys- I must take my leave. I might give my account to someone in order for them to keep my stories on the account or just delete it altogether. I'm not quite sure yet because I can't make a decision on that till the time comes.

Anyways thank you for reading this story and following me on my own journey. I wish you all a good day/night. Love you all! -Drea ❤️

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