23: Pool incident

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Ok guys don't kill me! I'm updating like really late. I'm working on another book. It's about Derek's daughter. It will probably be out tomorrow or sometime this week. Sorry if it's not as good.

I was watching the game, nervously. Allison grandfather is here... and with me being a werewolf and him being a psycho werewolf killer... don't really go well together.

I'm sitting at the closest seat to Stiles so I can hear the plan. I looked at Allison to hurry up with the plan. I kept looking at my phone and back up at the game.

"Nina calm down! I can smell your anxiety on the field." Scott said. I let out a deep breath and mumbled a sorry.

"She has the keys I'm going to go." Stiles said. He got up and I followed shortly after. He grabbed the keys and started running to the school.

I caught up to him quickly. "Nina what are you doing here?"

"I'm hunting for magical unicorns. What do you think? I'm helping." I said rolling my eyes. He stopped running and I looked at him.


"No? What do you mean no?"

"I need you to go back. We don't want Allison's grandfather getting suspicious. I'll call you if anything happens." I sighed and agreed. I gave him a hug and went to go back to the field. Before I could I was pulled back and Stiles kissed me. I kissed back instantly.

"Love you."

"Love you too." he replied. I started going back to the field.

Allison looked at me as to silently ask if everything was okay. I nodded my head yes.

I watched the game acting really interested. The opposite team took Scott down. His leg was bent in a odd way. I ran onto the field. "Scott!" Allison yelled.

I got up to Scott and said. "hope you have a good lie. Your mom and Allison's grandfather here.."

"Gee thanks for the words of encouragement."

"Anytime." I said with a bright smile. Soon most people got here.

Scott started getting up when coach yelled at him. "Don't move! Don't move!" God does he have to say everything in repeat. Like we heard you the first time.

"Im fine."

"Are you sure. From where I was sitting I could hear bones breaking." Melissa said (Scott mom).

"I'm sure. I'm fine." he got up and went back to playing. The game ended and Scott got invited to eat at Allison's house. God save him. Chris is probably going to glare and threaten him. Allison's mom going to glare and stare at him. Oh my god I just rhymed! But back to the point. Allison's grandfather will be confused until he catches on.

I love them together but does Scott have a thing for girls that family wants to kill him? I have to ask him that.

I went to the parking lot which was pretty much empty. There was only Stiles jeep and Derek's car.... Wait. I looked into my purse and saw that his keys was gone.

Something wrong. I called Scott but it went to voicemail.

I texted Allison quickly. (A for Allison and N for Nina)

N: Allison stop kissing your boyfriends for 5 minutes and get Scott to answer his damn phone!

A: We where not kissing.

N: Mmmmhmm whatever you say.

A: whatever. What's wrong.

N: Derek is here and Stiles is still not back. Tell him to come to the school! NOW!

I stopped texting Allison. I waited for five minutes until I got tired of waiting. I ran into the school and started looking for Stiles. I tried picking up on his scent but I'm still new to this.

Scott busted through doors. "I can't find his scent. I'm not good at it yet." he nodded his head and had me follow. We reached to the pool.

I saw the weird lizard thing. I don't know what to call it. Stiles was holding up Derek from over 12 feet of water. (pretend it's 12 if I'm wrong.) "You get Stiles and Derek I will fight that." I nodded my head and went to the pool.

I extended my claws and reaches for them. They stared falling but I pulled Derek and Stiles up. "You guys okay?"

They mumbled a yea. I looked at Scott and the Lizard was gone. "What is that?" I asked.

"It's a Kanima." Derek said.

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