22: Different

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Derek picked me up and started taking me to the car. He let me lay in the back with Isaac probably trying to help me calm down. He started talking but I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

I was shaking so much I couldn't stay still even if someone held me down. "What's wrong with her?" Isaac I think said. Everything was becoming blurry.

"I don't know." Once we got to the old Hale house, they set me on the ground cause, I was moving to much.

I eventually blacked out. I woke up a couple minutes later I think. I went to stand up and I looked down at my...paws? Wait paws! Why do I have paws?

I looked at Derek to say something but I just barked. "Did she just..."

"Yea. " I heard a noise and I ran right to the woods. I could feel the wind in my fur and I love it.

Someone bumped into me and I fell. I growled at whoever bumped into me. "Nina. This isn't you. Come back, please." Derek said.

I growled in response. I tried getting control but it was like I was trapped and couldn't get out. I ran past Derek and to the town.

"Nina!" I saw Scott run to me. He got in front of me and growled. I growled right back. He held up a needle and tried to stab me with it. I jumped out of the way and ran back to the forest.

Scott kept following me.

I went right back to my house when I saw Stiles. Oh come on! He looked at me with surprise.....

************Stiles P.O.V.*************


I answered my dads question and went straight to my jeep. I might of broke some speeding laws, okay maybe all of them.

I called Derek and it went straight to voicemail. "Great..." I mumbled. I parked my jeep and saw that no one was there. "Nina, Isaac, Derek? Anyone there?"

Isaac came running out of the trees. "Isaac what's going on?"

"Nina turned and she can't control it. We called Scott thinking it might help-"

"What?" I looked behind me and I saw a wolf. Judging by Isaac look it's Nina.
"Nina, its me Stiles."

Scott came running from the trees.

************Nina P. O. V.************

"Nina stop this isn't you. Think of an anchor, you can do this."

I thought of Stiles. Of how we would joke around and us kissing.

I shifted back and collapsed on the ground. I tried getting up. I got to my feet but started falling. Stiles caught me and brought me the house.

I laid on the couch exhausted. I close my eyes but, I wasn't actually asleep. "What happened?" Scott asked.

"Laura my older sister could do what she did. My mom said it can speed up the process if an alpha bites them. So since Peter bit her it probably sped it up."

"So she was always a werewolf."

"No. Once she turns she is. Usually it's not painful ."

"Will she be able to control it?"

"Probably." That's all I heard before I fell asleep.

***************Next Day*************

I woke up late the next day. I got dressed in some sweats in a band t-shirt. yep, I'm to lazy to care right now.

My phone started ringing to my favorite 5sauce song. ( I used the right word Sar don't hurt me 😂) I saw that it was Scott.

"Hey Scott."

"Hey, meet us at the rink. okay bye ."

He hung up on me. Well okay then. I took the car and drove to the rink.

The whole time I just thought of me turning into a wolf. None of the guys could do that so why can I?

The only thing I worried about is if I'm going to hurt someone I love. I couldn't live with myself if I did.

I walked to the rink and started looking for Scott. I saw Derek, Isaac, Erica, Scott and Boyd.

Isaac and Erica where by Derek feet knocked out. Derek started fighting Scott so I ran out there.

Derek went to claw Derek but I blocked his arm from hitting his or my face. "Move."


His eyes started glowing red. "Move." he said growling. I growled right back.

"No." he moves his hand and started walking away. Erica and Isaac walking beside him.

"Nina come on we are leaving." I rolled my eyes and walked away from Scott.

**************At Home.**************

I ignored Derek and walked to my room. After a couple of hours Derek said sorry and so did I.

Derek could never get mad at me. Perks of being a younger sibling.

I heard fighting so I went to the basement.

"Can anyone be less predictable?" I got on top on the train thing and went right where he was. I got my claws out. I landed and turned him around. I put my claws to his throat.

He looked surprised. "Like that?"

He just glared at me. "You shouldn't be training with us."

"But I'm a werewolf to!"

"You are?" Erica said.

"Yea, also..." I went up to her and slapped her. "don't put my boyfriend in a dumpster, thanks." I said with a smile and walked away.

"Now I'm training Derek I don't care what you say."

"Do you even listen to me anymore?"

"Nope, you should know that by now.

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