Episode 17 - tired out.

Start from the beginning

Six nods as he returns the three back to providence where only two agents were left behind to watch over them.

Kenwyn: I can't believe I've been left behind to baby sit.

White: you're the only other person who has the skill set to watch over them while six and DR holiday are out dealing with the increase in Evos. Somebody is activating them.

Kenwyn: then I should be out there, helping them.

White: unfortunately, you don't have that kind of pulling power here. Not yet. White out.

The monitor flickers off as Kenwyn punched the console in frustrations.

Bobo: trust me, this is better than anything else that providence has something going on. You get to see more action here.

Kenwyn: what are you talking about?

Bobo: you haven't seen Kevin while he's tired. Speaking of which we should go and check up on him.

They leave for Kevin's room where they found the walls littered with bad boy iconography, and a mirror with a picture of Gwen tucked away in the frame.

Bobo: all right kid, it's time to hand the watch over.

Kevin: no way, you can't take the antitrix.

Bobo: you'll burn the place down, again. Or flood it. or something like that. You know you kid.

Kevin sighed as he handed Bobo the antitrix and the pair left.

Kenwyn: it comes off that easily?

Bobo: kid made it himself, don't think he ever put a genetic lock on it. although Evos can't use it.

Kenwyn: how do you know?

Bobo: let's just say my fur was singed for days. Want to try it?

Kenwyn: I don't think I should.

Bobo: I won't tell anyone if you won't.

Kenwyn hesitated but as she put her arm out, Bobo forced it onto her, and he slammed down on it. although it did nothing.

Bobo: I guess he did add that lock after all. Worth a shot.

Kenwyn: it's weird. It's giving off some kind of discharge. It's making me feel stronger. And like I can do anything.

Bobo: that's probably it is scanning your DNA. We should take it off before any defense features kick in.

Kenwyn: what do you mean defense feature.

Bobo takes the watch off as it left a mark on her arm. They then take off to go and find Circe in her room. Decorated like her old room in Gwen's house was. She even had many of the same posters still up on her wall.

Kenwyn: music Evo-lved. What is that some kind of Evo band?

Circe: the first Evo band. I managed to get there lead singer to sign it after I managed to use my powers to fight off some Wako with a turn table.

Kenwyn: look, I know our first interaction may not have been the best, but I'm sorry for what I said back then.

Circe: I get it. some people are still weirded out by Evos. I'm just lucky compared to the rest of them. I can turn my nanites off and look human. Although Hong Kong has been accepting.

Kenwyn: Hong Kong?

Circe: of all places, right?

Kenwyn looked at her, not knowing what to say next.

Circe: I guess I'm just happy to have another girl here who's my age.

Kenwyn: I didn't expect to see anybody else my age here. I managed to finish training early. I started it as soon as I could. After everything providence has done for my family, I thought I could join providence and help get rid of all of the Evos that have attacked me. I guess I didn't expect to meet good Evos. Sorry if that sounds...

Circe: if I was still 10 or 11, I'd be furious with you for thinking we're all bad but being here, fighting with providence has shown me that it's not just because we're different, assuming you're not hunter Cain.

Kenwyn: so, we're good? Right?

Circe: yeah, we're good.

She looked around at Bobo leaving and he made a single at her and she kept Kenwyn with her.

Circe: they've put you on babysitting duty, haven't they?

Kenwyn: I just wish I could be out there. Doing the part, I signed up for.

Circe: don't stress out about it. whenever white spots potential in someone he wants to test them. Rex and Kevin had already proven themselves by the time they joined, but I had to fight to even stay since I had caused so much trouble for them.

Kenwyn: why what did you do?

Circe: I was desperate and for the longest time I was on the wrong side. And now he's gotten out and we don't know where he is.

Kenwyn: at least you came around right?

Circe: it took to long for me to turn but when I did, it wasn't something I regretted.

We then cut to Bobo who has walked into his shared room with rex.

Bobo: how are you holding up kid?

Rex: I've been better, and I've been worse.

Bobo: the new kids taking this well.

Rex: who are you talking about?

Bobo: Kenwyn, white had left her behind. You know what he's like.

Rex: he must see something in her.

Bobo: she's with Circe right now and I've got the other alien watch. Right now, I'm ready to just sit here and do nothing.

Rex: well, I'm feeling better now that I'm just sitting here.

Bobo: and it looks like that brake is over.

They look over to see a ship had landed and they went over to it. Kevin regaining his antitrix as they waited for the ship to land. From it stepped out an exhausted six and DR holiday.

Kenwyn: are you two, ok?

DR holiday: no, something's causing all the non Evos to fall asleep.

Kenwyn: I'm not an Evo and I'm fine.

DR holiday: it probably hasn't hit you yet. I need to get to my lab.

As they were walking six fell to the floor, unable to keep himself awake any longer and Kevin started falling asleep. His antitrix reacting in the way they knew it would. Leaving them to have to defend themselves, with the help of the two who had locked themselves in the flying lab. 

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