I feel like someone is stabbing my heart, to hear her cracking voice....

I love her ana, I fucking love her so much, I can't imagine my existence without her..john confessed running his  fingers through his head trying to show away his frustation...

Ana chocked on her breath and started to cough badly, y..you... Y..you what?

I love her ana, I am in love with her from the first time I saw her, a soft smile appeared on the face of John...

Ana jumped from her seat, and started shouting happily, I knew it... I knew it, that you like her but I don't know that my daisy is so lucky that you love her...

Ana hugged John tightly, I am happy I am so happy John, thank you thank you very much, for choosing my daisy... Ana broke the hug, her eyes are shining with tears,...

Ana, are you crying hey, look at me, John got confused as she was jumping like a kid a moment ago and now crying..

No, I am not crying I am just happy for my daisy... She said sniffling,

John's possessive side took over him, not your... She is mine..

Ana just rolled her eyes, whatever but soon her expression changed into dark one...
She smacked John head, glaring at him.

Awooooo, what the hell ana why did you hit me, what I did? John asked rubbing his head as the smack is unexpected...

You are asking me, what.you.Did., ana emphasize every word, raising her eyebrow..

John just innocently looked at her,

You made my daisy cry, and you are asking me what you did? Haan...

John gulped down, looking at the cute creatures turning into a little monster.

I.. I am sorry, I didn't meant to, I was just mad at her...i won't do it again..

Ana picked up the knife on the table, before leaning towards John and putting it exactly on his neck, I hope you won't do it again, if I come to know that you made my daisy cry, I promise that it will be your last day on this damn earth.. Ana said looking darkly at John...

John just laughed nervously, I won't do it, I will always keep her happy, I swear, will you please lower that knife 😅 you know it's sharp and can kill me..

Ana sat back on her chair, looking innocently at John like she is not threatening him a moment ago..

John gasped, is this girl is gangster or what, is she suffering from bipolar disorder, a moment ago she about to kill me and now look at her looking all innocent, god please save me from this little monster, John internally cried thinking about the duality of ana..

So when you are going to propose her, ana said, dragging John back to reality..

John just blushed, looking down.,

Ana rolled her eyes looking at John blushing, stop blushing like a teenage girl, she shouted in annoyance

John cleared his throat before speaking, I am thinking to propose her soon but until that I am planning to keep ignoring her,

Just do what ever you want to do, but do it fast I can't see her sad .. Ana said greeting her teeth

It's not like I enjoy ignoring her, but she deserves punishment...
John looked at ana with puppy eyes, ...

Ana shouted, what?? Why are you looking at me like that?

Ana ita my first time proposing someone, and specially it's daisy please help me, he pleaded showing her his puppy eyes...

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