Chapter: 37

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When I woke up my nose was hurting because Reid hit me. I thought he was my best friend and here he is hurting me, and telling me he loves me.

How can he love me, when he can hurt me at the same time? Even if I had a opportunity to love him, I would never even look at his face again.

I thought he would be the one who wouldn't destroy the relationship between me and Juan, and his or mine.

He did it. I can't even imagine to ever love Reid as my best friend, again. It was stupid of me to ever love him and tell him everything.

I should have stayed away.

Reid is a complete psycho and I never noticed his red flags. Even if I didn't notice, I just should have started away, because at the end of the day, I don't really know anyone.

I trusted Juan, and tell me what happened. I also trusted Reid, tell me know what happened.

Why is everyone breaking their trust with me?

"Hey, sweetheart." He had an evil smirk on his face. He took a chair and sat in front of me. He tugged a hair behind my ear but I moved my face away.

"It's a good think you wrote a letter to, Juan, telling him you're leaving him. And the best part is, it's your handwriting."

"No, no, no, no, no." I just remember I did that. I placed it on the kitchen counter and there's where Juan always goes when he wakes up.


He leaned forward and he was a few inches away from me. "You don't know how much I have died for you these past months." His eyes were dark, fearless and he wasn't ashamed of what he have done.

He just sat there looking at me. The face I used to adore and the person I used to love as my best friend, turns out to be the biggest snakes of them all.

How bad can a person become if they love someone but can't get them? And if they don't, they force on them. Disgusting.

I hate him. I hate him so much, that I hope he ends up in hell.

"Fuck you, Reid." He raised his brows and grabbed my legs and sat on the bed and took my legs over his laps.

"Let me massage you. You seem very tired." He spoke.

"Get of me. Reid, I don't understand why. Please let me go, and we can be best friends like before." He stood up and pushed the chair.

"Fuck friends. I don't want to be your friend, but your fucking lover." He shouted at me. "Don't you understand that I love you?"

"If you loved me, you would have never hurt me and my feelings. You wouldn't hit me." He sighed a dramatic sigh.

"If you can't get the love, you have to fight for it and everything is allowed to do if you love someone more than yourself." He gave me a disgustingly smile that makes me throw up.

"But I don't understand, how did you love me from when I was a teenage?" He sat on the bed.

"Don't you remember me?" I proceeded to think about everything. I can't remember him, or Juan. No one. I don't even remember myself.

"Oh wait, of course you don't remember anything or anyone. That's funny." Does he really think forgetting everything from your past is funny?

"You're a cunt." The word came out of my voice. His jaw clenched, and his eyes soon became dark. He grabbed my throat and I didn't even notice until his hands were pressed on my neck.

"What did you say?" He asked holding my neck tighter, "you're... a cunt," I managed to say. He held my neck tighter which made harder for me to breath and talk.

When I repeated the word, he grabbed my neck tighter. "S-stop." I couldn't even try to defend myself because my hands were locked on the bed.

When he saw I couldn't breathe, he loosened his grip on me.

I coughed multiple times, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm so sorry, Valerie." He said giving me a bottle of water. He placed the bottle on my lips and i drank the water.

"'I love you'", I mocked him. "IS THIS WHAT YOU DO?? You try to kill time?" I screamed at his face.

His eyes were full of regret. "It's your fault." He said stepping back and shaking his head and disagreeing with me.

"You just tried to fucking kill me!" I wanted to stand up and kick his fucking dick. I hate him more than I ever hated Juan at the beginning.

I hate him more than my father.

I hate him more than myself.

I just hate him so much that he isn't worth it anymore.

My whole life has been like this, and he knew everything because I told him every small secret.

When will this end? When will my trauma stop? I have seen enough pain in my life, when will it end? How can I end it, when these people like Reid are alive?

"You have made my life disaster. You know how much pain I have been through and you decided to put me in more pain. I fucking hate you so much, Reid that I hope you rot in hell."

He rolled his eyes like always. I want to take those eyes out of him. I don't want to remember his face, his eyes or how soft and fluffy hair his hair is.

I want to forget about him. I want him away from me. I can't bare to see his face so close to mine.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked him. How can I know what he wants? The only thing I know is he loves me.

"You have to break up with Juan and tell him you never loved him but me."

"I will never do that. I love him, love him more than you. And it was so fucking amazing to have sex with him and lose my virginity," he fist clenched and he looked so furious. This is what I want.

"He pleasured me in a way, no one ever can. I never regret being laid with him. I never regret making love to him. I never regret having him inside me-"

He cut me off throwing a vase across the room.

"STOP!" He screamed, "stop, I fucking hate him and I fucking hate you for giving yourself to him!"

He climbed and sat on me.

I started to laugh.

"Remember I'm Juan's girlfriend. So you should know what I can do or not. I'm not so stupid, Reid."

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend and I have learned her everything you should have known, Reid." Juan spoke, he stood behind Reid and I smirked.



Oh- what's going to happen know?

How- I'm confused? How did Valerie manage to let Juan know she was there? What?

But however, do you want to know?

Let's wait till next chapter. It will be out soon!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you all so much😭❤️

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