Chapter: 10

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The same guy came behind me and I was nervous. He held up wrist which made me stop from walking away.

I turned around and his eyes were going up and down on my body. Asshole.

After that look I knew what he wanted because it's obvious. My body.

He took a few steps towards so I took a steps back, but he took his arms around my waist and held me tight, I was trying to get away but he only came closer.

I mean so close that our lips were about to touch, I felt his breath on mine and his breath stinks. Before he could do something, I happened to slap him and then I ran out of the mansion.

Plan successful, but I don't know if I will be successful.

I ran out of the mansion and just ran away. I could hear some people call my name but I was to busy to run away right now, ran away from this.

"VALERIE!" I knew it was Juan that was also running behind me, but I kept running. I will keep running until someone won't stop me.

As I was running my heels got destroy which made me fall down on the ground, pretty hard. Why in the first place did I wore heels?

When I stood up Juan stood right in front of me and took my wrist and we walked back.

My legs were hurting and I could barely walk. "Stop dragging me, my leg is hurting." I said trying to walk slow, "Then let that be your punishment." He said in anger and held my wrist tighter and harder. "Stop, it's hurting." I said ripping my wrist from his hands.

He immediately took my arms, "if you didn't run away I wouldn't have hurt you!" He said seriously looking irritated of my action. "I ran away because that guy tried on me and I slapped and run away! What would you expect me to do, let him harass me?" He stopped midway and turned his face over to me.

"Then why didn't you call me?" He said while his people were going back to the party. "Because I didn't think about you!" He rolled his eyes and took my arms again and started to walk. "Tell me who harassed you?" He said not facing me.

When we were near the door he took his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "What are you doing?" He dragged me into the party and went up on the stage and took the microphone and fake smiled.

"Point on the person." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth, so I turned my face to the people and tried searching for the guy.

While I was looking I noticed the guy wasn't there anymore. I turned my gaze to Juan, "he's not there."

He took the microphone and started to talk. "If anyone tries to touch her," he pointed at me so people would know who he's talking about. "I will fucking kill you all. Who was the fucker who touched her?"

The guy that touched me came out of nowhere. "I did. And why who is she to you?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest and he's sounded very drunk and his eyes were on me. Juan came and took his arms around my waist. "Eyes on me you asswhole," he said looking at me and I rolled my eyes, "She's my girlfriend, and you're out of her league so don't even try to take what's mine already."

Chill, he's actually acting like I'm his. This felt very weird because I never thought of this. This did this asswhole call me his girlfriend? Oh motherfucker hell to the no.

The drunk guy was now gone, again. Finally. He threw the microphone and walked away and now he's gone too.

His people were standing near the door. Awesome.

My eyes laid on a balcony so I walked over to get some fresh air, but my asshole was already there.

When I stood next to him, he was smoking and I couldn't handle the smell so I took his smoke out of his mouth and threw it away.

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