I know there torture methods more than anyone. They used to do them to me. Painful, excruciating, long never ending pain.

I cut the shower off getting out wrapping a towel around my body drying myself off. I get dressed brushing my hair and teeth. I look at the time it's now eleven at night.

There is no way I'm going to be able to fall asleep. I can't sleep. Why should I when my brother is in danger? The most important thing is getting him home.

~ four hours later~

3rd person POV:

It's now three In the morning changbin and y/n are in changbins computer room sitting at his desk watching the CCTV's. Y/n looks over at changbin to see his heavy eyes closing slowly. Y/n can tell that by the looks of it he's exhausted.

"Changbin go get some rest." She tells him. He uncrosses his arms looking at her "no I will stay." He tells her acting as if he isn't tired.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. It's three in the morning your exhausted don't even try to say your not. Go and get sleep please." She tells him. Changbin sighs standing up.

"You need to go to sleep too y/n." He tells her giving her a knowing look. "I will soon." She tells him. Changbing tells y/n goodnight going out of his work place to his room to get enough sleep as possible.

An hour goes by by the time y/n catches one of the cars with license plates. Y/n quickly pauses it zooming in to the number plate then the street sign.

She quickly writes the street name down on a piece of paper. Y/n goes to the next CCTV that would spot one of the cars and finds it again driving down the main road. Again and again she sees them going down different roads she quickly goes onto another computer in changbins 'hacking' room. She pulls up a map of the city connecting to where the streets are where they are headed to quickly typing in each streets without looking at the board but at the CCTVs.

Y/n's heart starts pounding her hope getting higher every passing second. She watches as the car goes into a tunnel. She waits for it to come out of the other end but doesn't see the car come out.

She sits and wait for about and hour still nothing happening. Cars start driving in and out of the tunnel now if being just regular traffic.

All of her hopes quickly shatter throwing her back all the way to step one. "Fuck." She says aggravated rubbing her temples.

"I'm going to loose my fucking shit." Y/n says to herself sighing. "Well now there's one thing I can do." She tells herself. Y/n gets up turning off changbins PC's and lights then closing the door walking out of his office using the pair of crutches Lee know gave to her.

The house is completely silent everyone in the house is sleeping aside from y/n and guards that are on duty standing at their posts.

Y/n POV:

I go down the halls trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake anyone up with my crutches. Finally I get to the stair case I stand there wondering how the hell I'm going get down I can't hop down all of these stairs, though that would be funny to watch me try and do that.

I sit on the top stare holding my crutches on my knees as I scoot dow the stares slowly. I get to the bottom step standing my crutches up so I can get up of of the bottom stairs. I go to pull myself up but what's I lift up my head I see a pair of legs standing in front of me...


I look up to just see the head of the guards. He takes my arm helping me up. "Where are you off to?" He asks me. If this were any other case he'd be reporting to Chan. But because Chan's gone and I'm in charge he reports to me.

The forbidden  (Straykids mafia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang