Chapter 4 : Finding A Bride

Start from the beginning

Yes. We can schedule the other three for tomorrow if Isabella doesn't work out.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, Raul. You're cutting this really close.

It will be fine. Don't worry.


"You're Raul Marin," Isabella says.

I sigh. I would have preferred she didn't know who I am, but then my notoriety was what put me in this situation, wasn't it?

She's standing just outside the balcony where I waited for her, as though afraid to come closer. So I make my way toward her.

"Yes," I say, holding out my hand. "It's very nice to meet you."

"I'm Isabella Barrios." She flushes delicately as she shakes my hand. "Of course you know that. I had no idea, I'd be meeting with you."

I lead her to the table on which sat a spread of wine, coffee, and some food spread out. "Please have a seat. Would you like a drink?"

"All right." She smiles up at me.

After pouring out my favorite French pinot noir into two glasses, I set one in front of her. I may have downed a few sips too quickly, because it is then that I realize I'm nervous.

I can't even make myself sit down.

She takes a sip and smiles up at me. "Is something wrong?"

Fuck, I must have looked like I was scowling down at her. The truth is, I'm thinking too hard— something I try to avoid doing when I'm with a woman. But this isn't a date. It's a business meeting that will determine my future in the company.

"I need a wife."

This isn't in the script. Good thing Katelin isn't here or she'd get a stroke. Although as she is perfectly healthy, she would probably just glare at me. But I always thought that while planning ahead is always good, one needs to be able to improvise when the situation calls for it.

She blinks a few times, then opens her mouth but closes it again. It's a long moment before she finally speaks. "Okay?"

I smile to put her at ease. "It's a five-year business arrangement. The ... position pays quite well."

"I see." She fingers the stem of her wine glass then looks back at me. "Is that what I was auditioning for?"


She brightened. "I guess I passed the first round, then?"

"That was actually the third round." I smiled apologetically. "But from your reaction, can I assume you're not entirely opposed to the idea?"

"Not entirely, no." She bites her lower lip and her gaze lowers before she meets my eyes again. "Will this ... position require, uhm..."

"No. We — I decided that to keep this entirely a business matter, it will be best if we don't ... consummate."


Does she look disappointed? Because I am, too. Katelin insisted on this condition. And while I think it does make sense, it doesn't mean I can't help thinking I wouldn't mind having Isabella in my bed.

"Five years," she says, frowning slightly.

"We each get one lover a year." This is also Katelin's idea.

"Only one?" Isabella's eyes twinkle.

I smile. "We have to seem like a happily married couple. That means any indiscretions has to be kept absolutely secret. That means we can't have too many people knowing what we're doing behind closed doors."

"That's a lot." She cocks her head. "Why are you telling me all this?"

"I want to know what you think of the arrangement."

"Is this the final test?"


"You could have asked someone else to have this conversation with me."

"I could have. But you know I can't make the final decision until I met ... the candidates."

"The arrangement seems fair," she says. "But of course I'll need to know how much the remuneration will be."

"Of course. It will be on the contract."

"So, how are my chances?" Her dimples appear again as she smiles.

I can't help grinning at her cheekiness. "Pretty good."



"Are you sure you don't want to offer the job to Ms. Barrios?" I say.

It's five in the afternoon. A wine bottle stands empty on the table beside another bottle that is half-empty. I examine Raul's face as I make my way to him from the doors of the balcony. Is he drunk?

"No," he says. "Sit with me. Wine?"

"No, thank you." I sit across him. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Not enough." The corner of his mouth quirked in a grin. "Look at you, being all wifey. Are you sure you don't want the job?"

"What's wrong?" I fold my arms and rest them on the table. "I thought we had a plan. Did you change your mind?"

"I don't know." He narrows his eyes at me, looking curious. "Have you ever been in love, Kate?"


Next update will be  on Tuesday, June 28. Please don't forget to vote for this chapter if you're enjoying the story!

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