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"Please don't tell me you're going to meet him." Timmy said disgusted. "I have to see him Timmy he's the only one that can give me enough arms and ammunition to eliminate Ovie" I sighed. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this but I have to even if it means awakening the demon himself. "That man is a big time pervert and you know that I can't afford to let you go there." He reasoned.

"Actually Sylvia I'm in full support of what he's saying. I know I said I'd always have your back in any decision you make but this time around I don't." Eve said worriedly. I don't know why they making a big deal about seeing him, he's not that bad. Okay, maybe he's the worst. "At least now you are telling her the truth." He sneered. "Restrain your dog Sylvia, he's pissing me off." Eve warned.

"What did you call me, do you know I'm old enough to be your father and you have the guts to say that to me." Why does this keep happening to me every single time they are both in a room together. "You heard me, we all know that you have some sort of feelings towards Sylvia so please don't act all fatherly." She smirked. No she's crossed the line no one insults him except me.

"Enough Eve I won't stand here and watch you insult Oga Timmy, he's been there for me through thick and thin. Know your place." I warned. What she said was absurd and totally wrong, how on earth would he see me more than a daughter when all he's done is to fill up the father figure space. People should stop putting such ideas in my head. I looked at her pointedly daring her to go against my orders.

"I'm sorry about that Sylvia, I don't know what came over me but seriously though he should mind the way he talks to me. He may have fooled everyone but he hasn't fooled me." She said without any remorse. I'd deal with her later. "What do you mean that he's fooling everyone. What are you implying." I asked confused. I hope she's not about to say what I think she is.

"I believe he's a spy Sylvia, he was the one in charge of the shipment and he left us exposed. Why would he do that if he didn't want to betray us. Please Sylvia think about it." She reasoned. I looked at Timmy but I didn't find any trace of guilt rather he looked shocked and enraged. I felt so bad that he's insulted by a girl whom he's old enough to father. With a shake of my head I turned to look at Eve.

"You need to be taught a lesson Eve, I don't take it lightly when someone accuses my family of something unbelievable." I calmly said taking out my dagger from ankle boots. She looked scared and ready to pee on herself, she knows I wouldn't hesitate to slice her throat but I wouldn't do that she's dear to me rather I'd give her a mark that she'd never forget.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but I'd like to know what the hell is going on. Sylvia I'm your CSO, I'm expected to know everything." Stephen barged in. "I'd deal with you later." I said to Eve, she should thank her stars that he came at the right moment or else. "Wow the devil's spawn is here hurray." Timmy said with a hint of sacarsm. Not again, I can't deal with this. They should act like adults not kids.

"Why do you have a problem with everybody that's close to Sylvia?" Eve inquired looking smug. "Stephen I'm sorry I didn't let you know earlier about our plans." I said ignoring her statement. "Well I'd like to know now, who are we sending six feet under. "As much as I love your enthusiasm and courage unfortunately there won't be any killing but another deal with him."

"Him are you out of your mind!!" He exclaimed. What's everyone problem with him, he's just a human being like all of us. "Yes him,he's the only one left to help me. I have no one else." I said defeated. If I had any other option if jump straight to it but I don't at the moment so I'd have make use of what I have wisely. If I play my cards well then I'd get hat I want.

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