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       It's been thirty minutes now and Ovie hasn't given me the go ahead to roll down my windows, I've been so anxious to see my son. "Madam are you sure your son is here, I mean he can be lying, he can just steal from us." "I don't know Timmy, all we have to do is wait. At least we have our guys stationed around the area." Suddenly my phone rang, I didn't even wait for it to ring so long. I picked and it was Ovie.

       "Now you can roll down your windows to see your precious son". It was like the world stopped when I saw him, he looked so handsome even at his young age. He doesn't even look malnutrioned at all but what hurts me more is that he looks so much like his father which I didn't expect but nevertheless I still love him. "Ovie, what's his name?" I didn't even have the opportunity to name him. "Osareme Ofure". "Why the hell did you choose your tribe name name for him, it's meant to be Igbo. His name doesn't even have a trace of my tribe."

      How can he possibly do that, I can't even link my own child to me. "It doesn't matter, I call the shots. Your time is over, you've seen him now leave." "I want my son Ovie, I can't leave him again with you. God knows what you'd do to him." "He's been with me for eleven years and he's perfectly fine. Don't start a fight with me if you don't want him to get hurt." He said threateningly. At that moment I realized he knew my weak point and he's going to use it against me.

      "Ovie please I want my son, I need him beside me." This was my only chance to beg him to release my son to me because I know he's much more calm at the moment. "Goodbye Sylvia." I couldn't explain how heartbroken I was when I heard those words. All I want right now was to have my son in my arms.

     "Madam, Inspector Ahmed is right outside waiting for you. He says it's important he talks to you now." Stephen said through the intercom. I have being racking my brain to find ways to get my son back from Ovie, I've thought of every possible avenues to get him but Ovie is really crafty and extremely smart. I don't want to let my guard down, now he knows my son is my weak point he's going to use him against me.

      Finding my son now has changed my plans, right now all I want to do is to spend time with him and give him all the care and love in the world. Inspector Ahmed isn't my problem right now, I just wish he would just die but that can't happen because it would be traced to me. He's also a big hindrance to my shipments, I can't even do my transactions without extra caution. "Let him in already, I want to be done with all the impromptu visits." I replied. Few minutes later I heard a knock at my door.

      "Come in Inspector Ahmed, the door's open." He came in with his oddly smelling perfume which I seriously despised. It's like he literally bathed in it. "Good day Sylvia, it's nice to meet you again." He said while outstretching his hand for a handshake. "Likewise, what can I do for you today. Would you like me to offer you a beer or something stronger." "Enough with the fake pleasantries Sylvia, let's cut to the chase. I made some findings today that would certainly come as a surprise to you."

     "Thank God, I'm fed up of being nice to you. Besides what do you have that could possibly surprise me Ahmed." I know he hates it when people don't address him as Inspector Ahmed so I did it intentionally and I think it struck a nerve. "I have a lead on you, a little bird told me that you transported illegal arms to a buyer and unfortunately you didn't cover your tracks well this time around. I know this isn't much but I'm getting close to sending your sorry ass to jail. You need to pay for your crimes."

      Damn it Ovie ratted me out, how could I be so stupid not to know that his request was a trap. I can't let it show on my face that I'm highly affected by the news he brought to me or else he would be satisfied. "I don't know and I don't care about what you are talking about. Let me tell you Ahmed you'd never catch me in the act trust me and I know that the only reason you've been after me all these years is because it's going to  be a step up in your career but e no go work at all." He looked at me angrily, I'm sure if he had his way he would shoot me down immediately, so would I.

      "Sylvia you'd better watch your back, I promise you I'd be back and that time I'd be the one in charge while you'd be behind bars." He said while making a fist. "Stop throwing tantrums like a child and leave already. Just accept your defeat, better luck next time or would you like me to call security to escort you to the gate. I would be happy to do so considering the fact you work for the government." I said while folding my hands intimidatingly. "Don't worry I'll see myself out, I don't need any law breakers laying a finger on me." He said while standing to his feet.

      "Suit yourself. Good day Inspector Ahmed." This information I got to know made me extremely mad. I always make sure I cover my tracks so I don't get detected except I have a rat in my empire. "Stephen I need you to send Razor and Oga Timmy to my office right now also your presence is highly needed here immediately." I barked at him thought the intercom. "Yes Madam, I'll be there and I'll also send for them." I need to see them at once, I trust every one of them except Razor.

       I've been suspicious of him but I don't think he'd try to betray me because he knows and he has seen what happens to traitors. "Madam you requested to see us. Is anything the the problem? How can we be of help?" Oga Timmy said coming in with the rest of the guys. "Stop licking her ass Timmy, we all know you are the reason we are being summoned here." Stephen said.

      "How dare you talk to me in that manner Stephen. I'm your boss and you have no right to relate with me in that way. Stop being so disrespectful or else I'll teach you a lesson. Try me." Oga Timmy shouted already fuming with anger. "Enough of this bullshit, do not pollute my office with your arguments, that isn't the reason I called for you." "We are sorry Madam." They all said simultaneously. "Sorry for yourselves, fools. So who among you was in charge of transporting the shipments to Ovie today. No need to lie to me I'd surely find out."I said giving them a sharp gaze.

       "I'm the one Madam." Oga Timmy replied to my question. I just hope it isn't what I am thinking because I trust him too much to expect such betrayal from him.


E no go work at all - It won't work at all

QOD: What do y'all think of Inspector Ahmed's visit 🌚🌚

Who do you think is the rat;
Oga Timmy

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