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As I was walking down the stairs towards Mama T's office I wondered why she requested to see me. I know it doesn't have to do with the meeting I had with Senator Julius yesterday because she knows every single thing that transpired between us. I was about to knock on her door but I noticed it was half open so I peeped in but what I saw crushed my heart into tiny pieces over and over again.

Samuel was practically kissing Mama T like his life depended on it. How could he do this to me? He knows how I feel about infidelity. I was so stupid to give my heart again to another man after what I went through in the hands of Ovie. I listened to their conversation, "You know very well you are mine Samuel, no woman can ever have you except me." "Why are you saying this na you know how much I love you, I've never loved any other woman but you."

"I'm just saying Samuel." He looked at her confused but then it looked like something clicked"Wait is this because of Sylvia" he said angrily. I flinched when he mentioned my name. How dare he say my name with that his filthy mouth, I regret ever kissing him. Imagine, it's the same mouth he uses to kiss Mama T. "Not really besides have you gotten anything from her, any secrets." She asked.

"No I haven't, it's the normal thing we all know about how her husband betrayed her. Why do you hate her so much darling?" He asked. I was also yearning to hear her reason for hating me so much but unfortunately she didn't disclose it. "It's nothing just female issues." Female issues my foot! This woman is as sly as a fox. "You can go now I just want to relieve of your assignment. You can stop with the act of loving her, she's being taken now."

"Finally I'm a free man and I get to have you alone." He said while smiling and hugging her. They are both sick in the head, watever that is going on between them is an abomination. "Before you go Sammy why don't you give me one final kiss to show your loyalty." "I'm ever willing to my love." He said while obeying her command. I suddenly had the urge to puke but I had to hold it in because he was heading straight for the door. Immediately I hid behind a wall not to be seen by him, later I'd deal with him personally.

"You can come in now Sylvia, I know you are there." Cunny woman, she knew I was there the whole time and then it struck me she planned all these. "Mama T you called for me." I said coming into her office while putting on a neutral look. "I'm sure you heard everything so you'd do well to stay away from him. He's mine." She said threateningly. I wasn't going to quarell with her over a man, that'd be really low of me. "Of course I won't besides I now have Senator Julius to myself, how wonderful."

I think I finally hit that cord because she was overcome with rage instantly. "Don't you dare speak to me that way again Sylvia. Now leave my presence." "I would be happy to boss." I said while mock saluting her. When I left I held my hand to my chest, I won't lie that I wasn't shocked and heartbroken. I was so sure that he loved me with the way he acted towards me but I was wrong, he just used me. Thank God I'm leaving this hell hole, I can finally put my revenge in motion. It's all Ovie's fault and he'd pay with his life for causing me so much pain.


"Dan meet my pretty damsel Sylvia. Baby this is one of my associates, Daniel Ogunbanwo and he's also my childhood friend." Now we are currently at a dinner party hosted by Julius friend. Being a mistress isn't so hard like I expected except from the sleeping part. I have everything that I could ever ask for cars, money, shoes and all the luxury in the world.

I just recently found out that he launders money, sells drugs and weapons illegally, I'm practically sleeping with the enemy. Staying with him has really exposed me because I have learnt a lot about his business, I can't even count how many times I've being a witness in the death of a traitor or in a transaction. He's being really affectionate with me because he's taken a serious liking to me.

"Wow you never ceases to amaze me with the beautiful girls you have in your arms anytime I see you. I see that she is your favorite because you carry her around possession. Nice to meet you dear, it's a pleasure," he said while looking at me like he wants to swallow me whole and I know that look because I've seen it a lot on the faces of men ever since I opted for this job.

I need to be careful with this man because if he gets any chance he'd force himself on me. "Excuse me, please I'd like to use the bathroom." I said eager to leave because the looks I kept getting from Daniel was really choking. "Okay Via, don't waste so much time darling." Julius said while giving me a kiss on the cheek and letting go of my arm reluctantly. Getting to the bathroom, I was so exhausted and stressed.

I just wanted to catch my breath because I felt like the walls were closing on me. "I'd love us to talk a little bit Sylvia and I thought maybe we could have privacy to ourselves." Dan said coming in unexpectedly while locking the door. I've honestly gotten into trouble because this man isn't going to let me go so easily. I've being going for defence classes but only for some days because Julius wants me to be able to defend myself when the need arises.

"Please Mr. Daniel I'd like you to kindly unlock the door so I can leave because I'm done with my business." I didn't expect the next thing that happened to me at that moment because he rushed to me, pushed me to the wall and twisted my hands to my back. "You know what I want Sylvia, so just be a good girl and simply obey me." "You dirty animal, let me go or I'll report you to Julius."

"Oh so you guys are on the first name basis right now huhn but sorry to burst your bubble sweetie, you mean nothing to him because you are only a prostitute. Besides he's my childhood friend so who do you honestly think he'd believe. You or me?" If only this man knew where I come from he wouldn't be talking to me in this manner but he does have a point, I and Julius haven't really gotten close for him to trust me blindly.

I can't take any chances at all, I need to leave here at once. "Help! Please somebody help me!." I shouted at the top of my voice so someone can come to my rescue but it didn't last for long because he slapped me that the force sent me to the ground instantly. "You stupid slut don't you ever try to disobey me. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'd never forget." "Via, Via! What are you still doing there? Aren't you done using the restroom?"

For the first time I'm grateful that Julius is around, I'm so happy he's here because this little incident that just occurred here brought back some painful memories. "I'm coming Julius just let me wash my hands." I said standing up while going to unlock the door. Daniel gave me a look that said I shouldn't say a word of what transpired but trust me I'm not going to keep quiet at all. "Daniel what are you doing here with Sylvia? You know that this is the ladies room right?"

"Oh, beautiful Sylvia and I were just having a conversation. Isn't that so Sylvia?" He replied holding my shoulders down in a harsh way as a warning." "Of course not Julius, your useless friend here tried to rape me." Daniel looked at me in disbelief, I'm sure he didn't expect me to rat him out because this was some serious accusation and I'm just a common mistress that he expects to shut up and obey commands.

"How dare you accuse me of such atrocity, you don't believe her right? because I would never do that to you. I know you don't like sharing your women." Now was the time I'd know if Julius trusts me enough to choose me over his friend but what I heard next broke my heart and increased my hatred for men. "Okay then, Sylvia please let's go to the car. I'm ready to head home."

Who feels bad for Sylvia 😞
I do🥺😰

She's so young and she has to go through all these 😭😭

But...... The story continues 😁😉

Quick question: Any thoughts on Mama T's hatred for Sylvia and Senator Julius reaction to the incident. Feel free to comment below👇👇

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