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I won't lie, I've been miserable. I've never felt so much pain in my life, it kills me not to have my son in my arms. Being a leader is hard, all my men are counting on me to lead them to war and come out unscathed but I don't think that's possible because when I finally kill Ovie I see no reason to live anymore. I miss my parents so badly especially my dad, if he was around none of this would have happened to me.

"You need to stop zoning out Sylvia or else I may change my mind about this deal." Georgina said interrupting my thoughts. I was currently at a Golf course with her, we were here to get to know each other. Her words not mine because if it was up to me I'd have nothing to do with her. "Listen Georgie I'm only here because I need something from you that's all. That doesn't mean we are friends. Know that and know peace."

I caught a flash of hurt in eyes when I said that but I guess that's my imagination because she doesn't even have a heart. "Of course I know no need to rub it in my face Madam." She mocked and went back to her game. God please give me the strength to cope with this female standing few feets away from because I don't think I have the patience to deal with her bullshit before I cut her throat.

"What's the use of inviting me here when you won't let me play." I asked crossing my arms. I've been standing here under this hot sun expecting the animal to at least give me a chance to play but no she didn't just because she owns the course. "Well for starters it's my course besides I just invited you because I wanted to show myself." She taunted. "You're a peacock, you know that right. "Of course I've been told that many times."

"We need a strategy to defeat Ovie, what do you think. Do you have any ideas." I asked while stretching my legs out on the chair. Miss Georgie over here decided we'd go to the pool to relax apparently the sun was too hot for her skin. For this Naija again how you wan run from sun. "I thought you're the one who's good with the ideas. What's wrong, are you loosing your touch."

I'm at this point from killing you Georgina, don't test me. The fact I came to you for help that doesn't mean you get to talk to me anyhow." I said drawing both fingers closer."You know for someone who begged for my help you're becoming a little bit bold. Do I need to remind you who's in charge." She replied snapping her fingers. At the sound of that four hefty men arrived with guns pointed at me, where the hell did they come from.

"Boys see her out, I'm sick and tired of her hearing her voice. It's really sickening." How dare she treat me like this, I've never been so insulted and embarrassed in my life. "Never mind, I'll see myself out." I said while carrying my bag and putting on my sunglass. If I'm going to be thrown out I'd rather leave head held high, I'm not going to show her any weakness. I'm sure she'd come back to her senses and call me back, she needs me just as much as I need her.

"Oh and Sylvia, the deal's off. I'm not interested anymore, I'd rather come for him alone." I hope she didn't just say what I heard because if she did then I'm in big soup. I turned unexpectedly to confirm if I heard right. "What do you mean that the deal is off, after I gave you my merchandise. I worked for that, it's my sweat and blood." I was furious at this moment, I didn't care about the outcome of my outburst because I know it's either I kill her or she kills me.

"You heard well Sylvia, I don't want the deal again and about your merchandise unfortunately I can't give it back to you." She said bored. The way she's talking about it sounds like it's some child's candy but this is my goods that she played with. This lady doesn't know who she's messing with at all. "You're going to pay for this Georgie." I said while taking out my pistol from my bag. Don't ask me how I smuggled it past security, I just did.

"You're outnumbered darling, just run back home like a dog. My men would eliminate you in a twinkle of an eye." She was right if there was a shoot down now I'd be at the receiving end. I'm not ready to die yet I still need to get my revenge. "You won this battle Georgie but not the war, no one messes with me and goes scot free. I promise I'll be back for you." I said turning my back to leave. I wasn't going to let her get away with this, she betrayed me.

"Sylvia you need to stop please you're going to hurt yourself." Steohen said trying to stop me from breaking the glasses in the kitchen. I was enraged, I was treated like a dog today. I am at the top of the food chain but now I feel like I'm down. Georgina doesn't know what's coming for her. "Don't tell me to calm down Stephen, she crossed me. No one has ever done that, I'll make sure she pays with her blood." I said while pointing a broken glass at him.

I know I may look and sound like a crazed human being but I didn't care, I was mad and anyone close to me would bear my wrath. "Sylvia you need to calm down, you're not thinking right. What if you mistakenly hurt yourself, I wouldn't be able to bear that pain." He begged with his knees on the floor. I wasn't touched by his speech but what he said next made me breakdown. "Think about your son, your revenge. You need to get your head straight in the game, no distractions."

When he involved my son, I became weak and fell, before I could get to the ground he caught me and held me close while whispering sweet words to my ears. I cried and cried on his shirt that I lost track of time. When I was done I looked up at him and tried to kiss him but he retracted. I was hurt by that, I thought he loves me. I know I was vulnerable and I would be using him but I didn't care at the moment I needed some type of comfort from anybody.

"No Sylvia I can't do this, I would be taking advantage of you and so would you be doing the same to me, I know you don't love me." He said while turning down his head. What was I thinking trying to kiss him, I'm so stupid. After I've sworn not be with any man again I foolishly run to the arms of my employee just because of some stupid betrayal. Thank God he didn't kiss me because I'm not ready to explain anything or letting someone down slowly.

"I know you're hurt because this is the second time someone's betraying you so it's hard for you to accept it." He really struck a nerve and it angered me immensely. "Shut up, shut up. You don't know what you're saying. You don't know shit about me." I screamed. I won't lie though he said the truth but I'm not going to admit that to him. Never. "I'm sorry it came out like that Sylvia. I promise I won't say such words like that again." "It's Madam to you, remember that."

He looked hurt at what I said but I didn't care, he crossed the line. "It seems you're full of ideas this evening can you suggest what I can do." He looked taken aback at my sudden mood swing, I thought he'd have gotten used to it. "I think you should go back to Georgina and beg her, this is your only chance to get your revenge." Go back to her, what is this animal saying. "What do you mean I should go back to her, are you out of your mind."

"Think about it Sylvia if you don't go back to her and beg how are we going to get back at Ovie. We need her." He was right, I desperately need her. "You know very well that this is really absurd. I've never begged my opponents for anything, I can't bring myself so low." "Deliberate on it Sylvia, look at the pros and cons of calling of the deal. She's our one way ticket to getting close to Ovie." He said leaving the kitchen.

Maybe he's right all I need to do is beg, how hard can it be


For this Naija again how you wan run from sun - In Nigeria how do you expect to escape the sun

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