52 | sudden panic

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a/n :: this chapter's about as cramped as an HS drinking party, so plz read a bit slower thanks <3

Nothing's a hundred percent for certain. Meeting up with your friend for coffee. Finding your favorite ice cream at the grocery store. Winning the lottery.

Making it home without running into the one person you're absolutely terrified of.

The second that familiar dust of brown and faded blue hair swept past Shouyou's vision, he was running away like a startled stray.

The backroads, the ones he always takes when he needs a bit more time to think. He took those, except he wasn't taking his time to organize his thoughts.

He's just running away like a coward.

The moment he swerved the curve of the street and made it to his mother's shop, he slammed open the door, then sighed in relief.

"Shouyou..!" His mother's startled voice sounded, he turned around once he collected himself a bit, only to freeze once again.

At least six, no, seven Macklemore students were here, along with some old guys in fancy suits.

His mother was sitting on one of the flower-surrounded benches. It must be Natsu's nap time because she wasn't around.

"Wh-What's going on..?"

That fearful look on his mother's face sent Shouyou into a container of furiously burning lava. He marched forward, his own fear dissipating as his protective instincts kicked in.

"Sakusa! What are you doing here?!"

He stood in front of the black-haired male with his feet dug into the floor. Sakusa felt a smirk flinch on his face.

"Mrs. Hinata, we hold nothing against you. We're simply giving you an option. We'll pay off your debt in full, along with further compensation for the troubles we've caused."

Bokuto spun Shouyou away from Sakusa and under his arm, which rested on the ginger's shoulders. Those strong muscles tightened discretely around Shouyou's neck, urging him to stay quiet.

Confusion. Anger. What have they said? What does his mother know? What the hell's going on?

"I-I couldn't possibly... He's my son..!"

The glance Sakusa sent Shouyou was enough to send a shiver down his spine. Somehow, in some magical way, he knew what Sakusa was about to do.

Tears of frustration immediately pooled in his eyes.

"Don't you- Mnh!" A large hand covered his mouth.

Sakusa handed Mrs. Hinata the check stubs from all the times Shouyou had given in and let them have their way with him.

Her eyes widened with each one she flipped through. Shouyou sobbed and struggled in Bokuto's tightening grip.

"What is..?"

"He's been selling himself to us in order to pay off the debt you have all been smothered with."

Those tired hazel eyes of hers bugged even more as she brought a hand to her mouth in disbelief.

"What do you mean by-"

"In other words, he's whorin' himself out, Mrs. Hinata," Atsumu put in. Tears began slipping down her cheeks.

What is happening?! What's going on?! Stop it! Stop it!

Shouyou wiggled his face out of Bokuto's grip.

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