50 | worry; hug from a friend

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"Did you have fun with your little boy toy?"

Sugawara looked pissed as he gazed deeply into Shouyou's eyes. Poor Shouyou couldn't hold the eye contact and decided to glance away.

"What are you talking about?"

A phone was placed in front of him as the class began working on their projects together. Someone leaned over him from behind and held an earbud out to him.

He took it with hesitance and nearly gasped when the song was playing again. Shouyou leaned closer to the screen as a wobbly video of Shouyou and Itokawa dancing at the restaurant played.

Sugawara was unamused and took his phone away once the video was over. Once he was seated at his desk beside Shouyou, he could really see just how stiff and nervous Shouyou was.

Witnessing such a large crack in the little ginger's heart was much more interesting than this stupid video.

All they had to do was stand out of the way and let Shouyou ruin his own relationship with that guy.


Shouyou's voice cracked with emotion. He cleared his throat and dropped his head to his desk.

What does this mean for Itokawa? Sugawara wasn't sure what the singers at this school were like, but the dancers were harsh, especially toward Shouyou. Jealousy is a powerful weapon, and, to top it off, Shouyou's small and innocent-looking.

People are always gonna come after him because of that. And, now, if Sugawara's assumption is correct, that puts Itokawa in the spotlight right beside Shouyou.

Another target.

A quiet snort passed Suga's lips.

"Look at what you've done, Shouyou. We tried to help you stay away from stuff like this, but you couldn't listen, could you?"

Another crack. A soft whimper.

"You're just never satisfied, are you?"

Teary, bright eyes.

He shot up from his desk and excused himself. Sugawara let him run out with a hidden smirk.


Shit, shit, shit! What's wrong with me?! Itokawa's gonna hate me the second someone spews their mouth to him about me.

Shouyou slammed the bathroom door open and entered one of the two stalls.

His eyes stung with unshed tears as thoughts of his boyfriend hating him flashed through his head. Or, even worse, Itokawa ends up getting hurt because of him.

Why does he get himself into these situations? Why does he try to love despite his major bad luck streak?

Doesn't he deserve love, too? After everything he's been through, that's the least he's asking for.

No, no, wait, he's being dramatic. He needs to calm down.

It's just how things are, Shouyou.


Shouyou was in the gym, high up on the trapeze in hopes of destroying this intense burn of mixed emotions in his chest.

Each flip, each time his eyes flashed over the safety net below him, he felt his heart leap and those feelings dissipate.

I hate myself.

Something's not right. Dancing, and staying active, it's always blocked his thoughts. It's rather dangerous if they're not shelved in the back of his head because he gets emotional easily.

His eyes teared, and when he reached for the other trapeze, his hand slipped, and he plummeted. The safety net caught him, but it can never stop the way your heart stops in panic and shock.

He stared, wide-eyed at the free-swinging bars high above him. His breathing was uneven as if he had just had an NDE (near-death experience).

It's been a while since he's fallen like that.

"You okay?"


Those bright hazel eyes shifted sharply to the end of the net where Kenma was standing, staring at him.

"Yeah." His voice cracked. He rolled over and wiped at his eyes before Kenma could see he was getting distracted while doing such dangerous stunts.

A sigh passed Kenma's lips. He got on top of the net and made his way to Shouyou's trembling body.

Though it was tempting to turn him around and see that red, teary face, Kenma didn't touch the little ginger.

Instead, he simply sat beside his small body and gripped the net at his left side to keep himself from falling on top of Shouyou.

He couldn't put it into words, but the way Shouyou tried to muffle his sobs made Kenma's heart ache. All too well, does he remember doing that same thing in his room after his parents chewed him out.

"What's wrong?"

Shouyou wouldn't dare speak what's on his mind. It's gooey and black and if he were to ever let that slip from his lips, it'd burn everything around him and the people unfortunate enough to hear it.

"Nothing," he choked as he gripped at the net and curled up further into himself as if he were trying to disappear.

I really do hurt everyone around me, huh? I'm scared to face Itokawa...

Kenma reached out to Shouyou and rubbed his hair with a tenderness that rivaled Shouyou's mother.

He froze up and turned to the taller male in surprise. Those teary eyes gazed so deeply into Kenma's, searching for answers and making the pudding head fall even deeper into the strange feelings Shouyou gives him.

Shouyou's not one to be dramatic. He's not one to cry, and he's definitely not one to drag other people into his problems. Kenma wouldn't be surprised if Shouyou got off this net, grabbed his shoes and bag, and left without a word.

He reached out, though. Just enough to slowly wrap his arms around Kenma's body, to which Kenma reacted too by immediately returning the affection.

Shouyou's warmth mingled with his own. Kenma practically swooped Shouyou up and ended up falling backward with him in his arms.

Shouyou was holding him so tightly. He was clutching onto Kenma's clothes like he was scared to be alone in this large, dusty, creaky gym.

Kenma hugged back as best he could, snuggling into Shouyou's nape, inhaling his scent, and holding him close.

Of course, as all good things do, their hug came to an end, and Kenma was left with the burn of Shouyou's warmth on his body.

Shouyou seemed a bit lighter on his feet as he walked out. He offered Kenma a thanks with the smallest hint of a smile.

Who knew just a bit of human contact could make such a difference in someone? Both Shouyou and Kenma felt it.

One felt the start of a possible friendship.

One felt the lingering effects of his burning love.



happy chapter 50 everyone :) if you've made it this far, congrats! and thanks a bunch for reading!! ilyasm!!! <33

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