46 | friend funtime

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School the next day went swell. People congratulated Shouyou on his performance and even complimented him. There weren't any incidents with the new students or the people that normally pick on him, either.

It's been a good day, and, to top it off, he got Itokawa's number.

Shouyou stared at the contact picture, which was a selfie of him and Ito, and he hesitated while trying to press the call button.

He was sitting on the counter of Bokuto's dorm room, which they were temporarily sharing. Kuroo, Kenma, and Akaashi had come over and were all in the living room playing video games and whatnot.

I wanna ask him to dance with me... He's probably busy, though. Maybe I could ask him tomorrow..?

Shouyou turned his phone off and slipped off the counter with a content smile. He passed by the living room to get to Bokuto's room and change into his practice clothes, which were really just spandex shorts and a tank top, grabbed his bag, and headed back into the main part of the dorm.

For a moment, he stood and watched the group of friends laughing and playing together. A tinge of jealousy made his skin itch, but he was snapped out of it by his phone ringing.

Everyone turned to him, he awkwardly laughed, squatted down on the floor, and dug his phone out of his bag. Shouyou's heart lept at the name on the screen.

"Ah, uhm, s-sorry..!" A goofy, lovesick smile spread on his face without him knowing it, Bokuto and his friends knew, though. "I'll, uh, just, yeah, haha..."

He went into the kitchen, took a deep breath, and answered.

"Shouyou~!" Both Itokawa and Yachi shouted, Shouyou laughed at their antics. "We're heading to the diner down the road to grab a late-night snack! You wanna join?!"

Shouyou felt his heart hammering in delight at the invitation. He wasn't sure what to do with all the happiness except pump his fist and stuff it all into one word. "Sure!"

"Yay~! Sweet! Awesome! We'll meet you at the bottom floor of your dormitory! Be ready in ten, okay?!"

Shouyou's grin was wide, he was so excited. "Okay, yeah! You got it! I'll be there in ten!"

"'Kay! See you then!"

Shouyou waited until Itokawa hung up before snatching his back and rushing back into Bokuto's room with flushed cheeks and a God-sent grin on his face.

As he changed, the door opened, and a confused Kenma stood in the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Was his question. Shouyou slipped on a pair of jeans and tore off his tank top to stuff back in his bag and pull a t-shirt out.

"Uh, I'm going to eat with, uhm, a couple of friends! Could you tell Bokuto I won't be back until later?"

"You don't have to."

Bokuto slipped into the room, Kuroo also came in and plopped onto the bed, Akaashi stood beside Kenma.

"Oh, well..." It was rather awkward having all these eyes on him while he was shirtless. He quickly pulled the t-shirt on and grabbed his phone and wallet.

"I'll be heading out for a bit, enjoy your game!"

When he tried to get past the door, Kenma grabbed his wrist, a shiver raked down Shouyou's spine. "Who are you going with? Are you really going to neglect your practice for them?"

"It's not like I'll lose my skills or anything. It's just for tonight, it's not that big of a deal."

He yanked his hand out of Kenma's and awkwardly stepped back to glance at them. "Uh, I'll see you later..."

And he was off, they let him go.

"Why'd you let him go, Kenma?!"

"He did well at the performance. Just this time, just this once... I'll give him this."

They listened to the door shut in utter silence.


"Ahaha, no way!"

Shouyou and Itokawa were leaning against each other as they howled in laughter. The contents of their burgers were slipping from between the buns, but they didn't care.

Yachi was sitting across from them, a milkshake in her hand that nearly spilled had Shouyou not tipped it back up on the table.

It's been a long time since Shouyou has laughed and smiled so hard. His cheeks hurt, but it was such a satisfying pain.

"Ah, crap, you guys! Sorry, but my mom wants me home! See you tomorrow!"

Yachi still lived with her mom, much like Shouyou used to. Itokawa lived in the dormitory across from Shouyou's.

"Are you guys staying longer?" She gave a hinting look to Itokawa, which blew over Shouyou's head. "Ah, I think I might-"

"Shouyou! Uhm..." Shouyou slowly sat back down in the booth, staring wide-eyed at Itokawa for his sudden shout. The taller male's cheeks were flushed, he glanced at Yachi, who smiled at him and tossed her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

"Oh, bye, Hitoka-Chan! See you tomorrow!" Shouyou smiled and waved at her, Itokawa did the same, and she left through the glass door of the old diner.

"Sh-Shouyou, can I, uhm, do you... have any plans for tonight?"

Shouyou raised a brow and tilted his head. "No..? Why?" An awkward scratch at his cheek and Itokawa cleared his throat and began to speak again.

"Uh, would you, I don't know, if you have the time... Would you wanna... watch a movie with me? Like, at my dorm? I know it's late, and it's totally cool if you have practice or something, I just thought it'd be nice to chill as bros or some-"

"You... wanna hang out?"

Itokawa nearly choked when he saw Shouyou grow flustered. His jaw had slacked the smallest bit, his eyes were wide, his cheeks were cherry red. Shouyou... really was beautiful. So, so beautiful.


Itokawa peaked between his fingers, which he had slapped over his face in the midst of his gay panic. Shouyou smiled at him. "Yeah, haha! Let's do it!"


The two males were sharing a blanket, a large bowl of popcorn between them as the movie played across the screen, Though Shouyou couldn't see it, Itokawa had been trying to make eye contact with Shouyou this entire time.

Or, at least, he was so busy observing Shouyou's features that it seemed as if he were attempting eye contact.

Shouyou finally caught him in the act and smiled curiously at the flustered male, who jolted and ended up spilling the popcorn everywhere.

The little ginger burst into laughter and slipped off the couch and onto the floor to pick it up, Itokawa bashfully followed.

"S-Sorry," he helplessly muttered, glancing up at Shouyou's lovely, tender smile with burnt cheeks. "It's okay, accidents happen!"

As they picked up the popcorn, Itokawa couldn't help but to want to mess around a bit. He wiped a small streak of butter on Shouyou's cheek, the smaller male froze.

Then, he began laughing and wiped a buttery streak onto Itokawa's face as well. The two laughed together and wordlessly messed around until they realized the butter would seep into their skin if they didn't go wash it off, so off to the bathroom they went.


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