05 | money is money

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"How are we gonna get out of this school contract? We're bound to this fucking place!" Nishinoya whined, kicking his feet angrily.

"Well, according to the handbook, the students are exempt from the contract in the case of an emergency. Destruction to the school by storm, water, fire, etc."

"So, what you're saying is... we just have to cause a lot of damage, right?" Tanaka pitched in, and Sugawara's eyes widened in realization. "Yeah, I guess so..."


"What's your name?" Shouyou suddenly peeped up, watching absently as the brunet's back muscles moved through his shirt.

"Oikawa Tooru, at your service, Shouyou~" A squish on his ass caused him to yelp, pushing himself up some to pinch Oikawa's ear. "Ow, ow, ow! Sorry!" He whined, rolling his head to move it away from Shouyou's fingers.

"Do it again and I'll tear it off..." he grumbled under his breath, not bothered by the odd stares they were getting. Most of the attention seemed to be on Oikawa since he was rather popular in the dancing industry.

Shouyou was as well, but there was much less hate for Oikawa. "Iwa-Chan~!" Oikawa called out as he reached an empty classroom, shutting the door and smiling widely, not that Shouyou would know.

Glancing from the thick ass to Oikawa's face, Iwaizumi raised his brows, secretly hinting at who he thought it was. The brunet nodded. "Alright, here you go..." Squatting, he allowed Shouyou to place his feet back on the ground, pouting at Oikawa before turning around.

Iwaizumi's heart skipped a beat.

"Tell your subordinate that stealing and kidnapping are illegal," he grumbled, holding his head and slipping an arm through the strap on his bag. "Bye-bye ~" He called lazily, the door being blocked by a rather buff arm. Buffer than Oikawa's, that's for sure.

Inhaling, he dropped his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I just wanna practice~" His nearing desperate voice whined, making Iwaizumi smirk. "Dance with us, then."

Without eye contact, Shouyou shook his head, closing his eyes and slinking to the ground. The two males watched as he curled up into a little ball, bag clutched tightly to his chest and eyes closed. "Can't leave, can't dance, can't eat... the only other option is sleep."

"I don't think you should-"

"Good night."

"No, but what about lunch? We got you a-"

"Good night."


Glancing between each other, the two grinned, laughing. "I'll give you 2,000 yen if you eat lunch with us." The way Iwaizumi's smile fell was fast enough to give Shouyou whiplash, had his eyes been open.

At this, he peaked his eye open, interest peaked. "Money to eat? Hell, I'd strip for 500, but, okay!" Jumping up, he clutched his bag in his fists and held it close to his chest as he stared at Iwaizumi with big puppy dog eyes that reminded them of a puppy waiting for a treat.

"Seriously? You're that easily swayed just by a few bucks?" Oikawa held both of his hands out, nose scrunched up incredulously.

"Money is money!" He barked, turning back to Iwaizumi with a smile and those wide, adorable eyes. Iwaizumi smirked, tilting his head down a little. "It's that easy, huh?" Not hearing what he said, Shouyou took a couple of steps closer to him.

Gripping his arm, he tossed his bag onto a nearby desk, turning him around and pinning him to one of the desks. Peaking his eyes open, Shouyou groaned at the slight pain in the back of his head. "Damnit, I hit my head yesterday, you know?"

"Sorry, sorry..." Gently caressing the back of his fluffy head, Iwaizumi leaned in, smirk everpresent.

"350,000..." Shouyou jolted at the high number. "Let me fuck you, and it's all yours," he mumbled in the little ginger's ear, licking behind it with his hot breath and tongue and sending a shiver down Shouyou's spine.

"Hey, don't forget about me~" Oikawa hummed, scooting the chair behind Shouyou and slipping onto the desk, lifting Shouyou's head to rest it on his crotch, which twitched.

Lips pursed, Shouyou took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Well?" What do you say? Think you could... take me..?" The last part was practically groaned into the stunned ginger's ear, sending another wave of emotions down his spine.

"I'm not here~" He hummed, twisting and gripping onto the desk beside them, trying to pull away. "Huh? Why?" Oikawa questioned, yanking Shouyou back onto the desk with a pout. "Is that a no? I'll admit, you are worth more... Money can't buy you..."

Slamming his hands on either side of the ginger's head, he leaned over him, their noses touching. "Tell me... What is it you want?"

Wide, hazel eyes stared into his, eventually narrowing at Iwaizumi's failed attempt at charming him. "I wanna leave, thanks." Sitting up again, Shouyou snarled at the hand on his arm, stopping him. "You still gotta eat," Oikawa chuckled.

Turning to Iwaizumi, said male reached out to him and ruffled up his hair. "I'll give you an extra 1,000 yen if you can finish it in 10 minutes."

Grinning, Shouyou scooted off the desk, laughing. "Your loss! I can finish it in 5!"


Humming Shouyou stuffed the 3,000 yen in the side pocket of his bag, zipping it up safely as he walked to his next class with a pep in his step... 10 minutes late...

Twirling absently, he nodded his head to his music, opening the classroom door with a small smile. "Eep!" Flinching back when his teacher pulled his earbuds out, he laughed awkwardly, stealing a glance at the staring eyes of his classmates.

"You have fun missing part of your class, Shouyou?" She growled, and he gulped, bowing slightly. "S-Sorry... I had to change out of my practice clothes..." He whimpered, and she sighed angrily. "Detention after school. Go to your desk."

With that, she turned back to the board, leaving Shouyou to groan under his breath and readjust his earbuds.


a minute or two before

Bokuto glanced over the crowd of his classmates easily, looking for a certain ginger he could've sworn had this class today. Ugh, these people need to get out of my fucking way. Shouyou~ He whined mentally, glancing over to the rather cool-looking Akaashi with a pout.

Just then, the door was opened, the teacher, who seemed pretty laid back at first, marched over, shouting at whoever entered late. The crowd around their desks vanished a few minutes ago, thank God.

More muttering was heard until she finally moved, giving Akaashi the pleasure of seeing Shouyou in real life for the first time, and Bokuto the pleasure of seeing him a second time.

"Woah~ Still so cute~" He hummed under his breath, glancing at the empty seat between Akaashi and him.

Oddly enough, Shouyou peered at Akaashi a little long, or, more specifically, his desk. Sighing, Shouyou sat in the one beside him, pulling a pencil and journal out and pushing his earbuds in.


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