22 | tired smile, baggy clothes

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"Ow!" Shouyou held his nose, stumbling backward and pressing the end of his baton into the floor so he could lean on it for support. Growling, Shouyou brought his head up, staring deeply into the eyes of his dance partner.

"I told you already! It's right, then left!" Akari chuckled, bashfully scratching at his head. "Sorry, I'm just kind of out of it. It's hard to believe I can't dance with anyone else for the rest of my life... It's a lot to take in..."

The anger that flowed from Shouyou's pained body simmered down, and he sighed, walking away. "It's not that you can't..." He grumbled, but Akari heard it and frowned.

"Why'd you want to practice in the courtyard, anyway?" A cold breeze blew past them, and Shouyou snatched his jacket off his bag, zipping it up over his tank top. Few people were out right now, but Shouyou felt as if eyes were all over him. He could hardly focus.

"I don't know, it's just nice out! I hate being confined to a gym or studio, haha!"

Humming in understanding, the little ginger rubbed at his nose and watched blood drip from his finger. "Damn it..." He sighed, standing up and turning around. "I'm done for today. You can practice on your own."

Just as he was about to head to his studio, the strap to his bag was grabbed. "Really? You're gonna leave me out here in the cold?"

"You're the one who said it was nice out." Small raindrops began dripping from the grey sky, and Shouyou huffed, trying to pull his hand out of Akari's. "Let... me go!"

"No! We still have half an hour! You've already destroyed my chances of me dancing with my girlfriend, so you might as well suffer the consequences!"

At his words, Shouyou's body relaxed. The rain soaked his clothes, and he was grateful that his gym bag was waterproof, but that was the last thing on his mind right now. Hazel eyes slowly lost their shimmer, long eyelashes drooping and creating a shadow on his cheeks.

"I get it already," he barely whispered. "I shouldn't have asked the teacher if she could find me a dance partner. I shouldn't have agreed... I'm sorry..."

Akari grinned, pushing Shouyou onto the wet ground. His smile quickly fell. "Sorry won't get my dancing back. You're beyond any human should be. You're the true definition of elite, and, trust me, I don't mean that in a good way."

He walked off, leaving Shouyou to shiver alone in the cold rain. These past few days there had always been someone there for him when he got injured or hurt, so he half-expected someone to show up and comfort him or yell at him- something... someone...

No one came. He stood up, grabbed his bag, and walked to his studio alone.


Where's Shouyou? Impatiently thought Kuroo, tapping his foot on the ground as he glanced to and from the door.

If my hand isn't groping his fat ass in the next five minutes, I swear I'm gonna scream...

He dropped his head onto his desk as the teacher dragged on and on about the rules of trapeze and blah, blah, blah...

The door opened. Kuroo shot up. Shouyou looked worse than he did this morning. His hair was soaked, and he had a large hoodie tossed over his small body. He tugged his sweatpants up some, they obviously weren't the right size.

The teacher didn't even bother scalding him. The rain outside beat against the windows, thunder rumbling in the distance.

Shouyou slicked through the rows of people and sunk into the desk beside Kuroo. Dull eyes stared at the hard wood beneath his arms until a small sigh left his lips, and he tucked his beautiful face away in his arms.

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