23 | a master negotiator

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"Thanks for letting me use your clothes, Francis." Shouyou breathed a sigh of relief as he sunk deeper into his friend's arms. Francis chuckled, holding him closer. "It's not a big deal. You've helped me through plenty of binds, so it's the least I could do."

Eventually, the bell forced the two to part ways and Shouyou walked in a separate direction toward his seduction class. He wasn't looking forward to it.


"Alright, find your teams and separate to practice. Remember, you only have a few more days!" With a sigh, Shouyou stood from his desk, stretching his arms above his head. His sweats fell off his hips some, showing the band of his boxers and teasing Akaashi and Bokuto.

Shouyou made his way to their teacher just before she left. "We'll turn the choreography for our dance in Friday, but I don't think we'll be able to- Mmh!"

A large hand rested over his mouth, and he was pulled back and into the chest of Bokuto. "We'll have the video turned in Friday, too! Don't listen to him, ahaha!" His cheery laughter was infectious as the teacher laughed with him and waved them off.

"What are you doing? Do you not wanna dance with us? We've done so much to get this far... You should at least give us this..." Now, Bokuto sounded sad, and Shouyou felt the need to apologize. He didn't, though.

"Dude, I told you why I'm iffy about dancing with people. Why are you of all people still insisting?"

A hum left Bokuto's lips, and he trailed his finger up and down Shouyou's arm with a pout. "'Cause I'm not that guy... I wouldn't hurt you for the world!"

Akaashi stood in front of Shouyou, who grabbed his arm and yanked himself out of Bokuto's tight grip. The two taller males stared at him as he hid behind Akaashi's arm.

"I. Don't. Dance. With. Partners." His words were sharp, but they failed to faze either of the dancers.

The last person in the classroom left, calling out to her friends, who were waiting in the hallway for her. The door to the classroom closed, and they were alone together.

Shouyou let go of Akaashi and stepped away, brows furrowed. "Forget it already! I'm not gonna do it!"

Bokuto snatched his small wrist, stopping him in his tracks. He looked angry, frustrated, so Akaashi spoke before he could. "All we want to do is love you," he breathed, eyebrows furrowing in what looked to be sympathy.

Shouyou stopped pulling his arm and gave the black-haired male a much softer look. "Your eye looks so painful... I'm sorry she did that to you..."

Huffing, Bokuto turned to Akaashi with a pout. "Akaashi~ I just came up with something good!" Whined the buff male, grip loosening enough on Shouyou's wrist that he was able to pull it out.

He headed to his bag at the back of the classroom and spoke while doing so. "Anyway, if you wanna post a video that badly, just make one with the both of you- Eep!"

A large body was pressed into his back, his head smashed into the desk beneath him by a large hand. Heat rushed through his veins from the sudden actions. "N-Nnh..." His pained eyes slowly fluttered open, but he could only see the back of the classroom.

"Koutarou-San, if you hurt him, I'll-"

Bokuto held a hand up, shushing Akaashi and leaning closer to Shouyou, his hot breath brushing against the back of his neck. The sleeve of his hoodie had slipped off his shoulder.

Audible sniffing was heard. "This isn't your smell... Who's is this?"

Shouyou closed his eyes again, the sun blinding him from the windows behind Bokuto. "It's that friend of yours, isn't it?" He trailed his nose up to Shouyou's neck, sniffing a couple of times before freezing.

The ginger felt his body being lifted, and his back was pressed against Bokuto's by the strong arms wrapped around his waist. His feet dangled off the ground. "This..." He breathed, running a hand in his ginger curls to hold him closer.

"L-Let me go! Put me down!" Shouyou whimpered when he felt Bokuto's tongue trace a line up his neck. "This is that smell I love... God... I wanna surround myself with your scent..."

As a second to last resort, Shouyou turned to Akaashi for help, who had been glaring from the sidelines. He only pursed his lips and went to grab Shouyou's bag for him.

What the fuck?! Shouyou sobbed in his mind, quickly trying to piece together a plan. He gripped tightly onto Bokuto's arm and swung his legs up enough to propel them off the desk in front of him and flip over Bokuto.

The fact he hit another desk didn't bother him as he wiped away Bokuto's saliva with his sleeve. Koutarou turned around in shock, but Shouyou stood, glaring harshly at him and pressing his chest against the taller male's.

"Do that again, and I'll fucking tear your arm off," he snarled, pushing him out of the way and marching over to Akaashi. He snatched his gym bag out of his hands.

"Thanks for your help, Akaashi-San."

The door to the classroom slammed closed, and Bokuto picked up a chair and tossed it against the wall, shouting in anger.

Bokuto had always been unstable, so Akaashi always reminded himself to stay away if it seemed like the buff male was nearing another episode.

He should have stepped in...

Slapping one of the desks, Akaashi turned on his heel and raced after Shouyou, leaving Bokuto to tear the room apart alone.

"Shouyou, wait!" He called out, but to no avail. The ginger continued walking through the empty hall.

"I'll pay you!" This is what Akaashi wanted to avoid, bribing Shouyou to satisfy his own needs, but if this is what it took, he saw no other choice.

Shouyou stopped, turning around and facing Akaashi, who stood about ten feet in front of him. "Not to dance or anything... Just... let me touch you... too..."

His nose scrunched up in what Akaashi could only assume was disgust. "You're all the same. You think you can buy whatever the hell you want!"

Akaashi lowered his head. He expected this- it was the truth, after all. They were all spoiled, and they all threw a fit when they didn't get what they wanted.

Still... Shouyou was so enticing, so special, they couldn't help but want him. Shouyou was the only thing they've ever really wanted, yet he's so hard to get a hold of. He had to be the first person to ever reject them...

"Specify," he bluntly stated, taking a couple of steps toward Akaashi. "I won't go far, just name your price." The ginger walked closer to Akaashi until a mere foot kept them apart.

"What are you offering?"

"70,000 yen." Akaashi clenched his fists. His hands itched to peel those baggy clothes off of Shouyou's small body and indulge in the wonderous, tasty heaven beneath them.

"... Okay..."


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