00 | shou-shou!

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You'd think he was a fairy, the way his small body flipped and spun with the air. No, scratch that, he wasn't flowing with the air, he was leading it.


"Shou-Shou! Shou-Shou, wake up~!" Natsu grumbled when the older male had yet to move, standing on the bed and cracking her knuckles. Her mother stood in the doorway, recording the whole event as she tried not to laugh.

Gripping at the male's blankets, she ripped them off, earning a yelp from whom she called Shou-Shou. "Natsu~" He whined, grabbing her arm and tossing her onto the bed beside him. "I got a new blanket, haha!"

"Shou-Shou~ You big oaf, you're gonna miss school!" His little sister shouted, little giggles soon erupting from her mouth. "Fine~ Fine~ I'll get rea- What do you mean I'm going to miss school?! You have to be at daycare in ten minutes and you're not even dressed yet!"

The mother gasped, stealing a glance at Shouyou's alarm clock. "Shit!" She yelled, taking Natsu's hand. "Good morning, Shouyou! Make sure you eat some breakfast before you leave, and check on the shop! Love you!"

"Love you!" After a good ten-minute stretching and warm-up session, he began dressing for school, twisting himself around the pole in his room a few times just for the hell of it. 

"I wonder if Francis is there already?" He wondered aloud, walking down the stairs and to the kitchen, where he snatched a banana and an apple from the fruits basket on the table.

"I'm heading out!" He shouted up the stairs, grabbing his school backpack and gym bag and exiting after hearing the goodbye from his mother and sister.

After another flight of stairs, he glanced around his mother's flower shop, inhaling the wonderful smell of flowers with a smile.

The sun was just beginning to rise, but the clouds covered it. Some seemed to be greying a bit, leading him to believe it was going to rain sometime this week. He wore a simple, orange hoodie with the schools' mascot on it and a baggy, white t-shirt beneath it.

Black sweatpants hung loosely to his hips, matching perfectly with his signature black, white, and orange converses. As he entered the school grounds, he pulled a black headband out of his pocket, pulling his hair back with it and ignoring the few flyaways that bounced back out.

"Ah, Francis!" He shouted, rushing across the courtyard with a bright smile. The said male turned at the familiar voice, panically opening his arms to catch the ginger who lept high into the air, landing right into his arms.

He and Francis have been friends for a few years now, ever since they competed against each other at a street dancing competition. Shouyou beat him, of course, and Francis had been stuck to his side since then.

Shouyou was always happy to make another friend, so he didn't mind at all, and, somehow, Francis even convinced his family to stay here in Japan instead of moving back to Mexico. 

Sadly, though, he didn't know much Japanese, so, in exchange for teaching Shouyou Spanish, the little ginger taught him Japanese. It was a win-win.

"How've you been?" He questioned in Spanish, smile as bright as ever as he dropped back onto his feet. "Terrible," was his reply. "I overslept and didn't even get a chance to eat breakfast..." 

A round of laughter left Shouyou as he opened his gym bag, grabbing the apple from it and tossing it to his friend. "You always forget breakfast!" Shouyou chuckled, switching his language to Japanese.

Francis, thanked him gratefully, biting into it and groaning in satisfaction. "Anyway, let's head to class before the teacher bites our head off!"


A/n :

this won the voting poll, so here it is! Mwah! I hope you like it! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Elites Can't Beat the Best | h.haremOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora