LII: Théoden King

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"Dark have been my dreams of late." The King Of Rohan continued while slowly noticing his surroundings and recalling his lost memories.

"Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword," Gandalf said.

Háma knelt and presented to Théoden a long sword in a scabbard clasped with gold and set with green gems. Théoden examined his sword, it has been a long time since the king held Herugrim. Under the influence of Gríma Wormtongue's leechcraft, Théoden had entrusted the blade to him for safekeeping, but Wormtongue hid it away and allowed it to rust. After Gandalf restored Théoden to himself, Háma the door warden found the sword locked in Gríma's chest and brought it to the king.

He directed a sneer towards Wormtongue. On the King's command, he was expelled from the court. Aragorn saved Grima's life when he prevented the king from killing him. Although his life was preserved, he departed Edoras. His people welcomed him and told him that his son had died. It was grieving news for the King. He went to visit his son's corpse and instructed Háma to provide a space for their guests to clean, relax, and eat.

Háma supplied rooms for everyone to change and recuperate before the funeral would take place. The male members of the company were allocated chambers near the Hall with private baths. Xena's was on the north side and did not feature a place to clean up. Háma took her to her chamber and avoided eye contact. The people of Edoras was not accustomed to seeing women in armour and being a warrior.

Xena followed the guy without speaking to him. First, he escorted the men to their rooms and she was last carried to hers. The doors were opened and she cast rapid eyes about. She observed that the first room was Aragorn's. The ranger had set his belts and weapon already aside. The chamber that was following was Gimli's. His axe leaned on the wall as he raced inside. A few steps ahead was another chamber it looked it was allocated to the Elf. His swords, bows and arrows were resting in the corner of the room. All three rooms appeared pleasant, tiny and cosy.

Xena had to move forward a few more yards till she reached the chamber that was allocated to her. She was certain it was her bedroom since her weapons were laid out on a king-sized bed. She went into the vast cavern. More windows existed than walls. A colossal mirror, table, chairs, and even a couch. She chose not to grumble about the room's opulence. Her body ached, and she was exhausted. Her mind was not functioning normally, therefore she needed to clean and relax.

As her drowsy eyes swept the room, she saw a garment in the corner of the bed. It was left for her to wear there. She once again examined her clothes with her eyes. Dirty and torn, she was unable to wear it. Háma assured her that a maiden would collect the garment, clean it, and return it to her for use. She gave the guy a little nod, and he left her to her own affairs.

She raised the gown. The dress was constructed of dense wool, velvet, and jacquard. Only the cloth would make it difficult to move about freely and easily. Xena examined her reflection in the mirror. Her skin tone was pale. She was exhausted. She selected the velvet gown to wear. She retrieved the dress, undergarments, and slippers.

She stopped abruptly and glanced around the room. She had to agree that hers was much bigger and more beautiful than the modest rooms supplied to the others. However, she was perplexed since there was no restroom for her to use. She realised that maybe there was another area for the women to clean and dress. However, this just enraged her. Everyone will be able to clean and change in their own comfort, while she will have to find a location to do so.

She withdrew slowly from the room that was provided to her. Once again, she strolled through the Golden Hall. She halted for a short time when she spotted the lovely Lady of Rohan following the king. Both were in serious discussion and she realised that she was probably conveying to him what had happened to his son. Xena continued further remembering how intense the sadness can be of losing a child.

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