Chapter 19

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Shihyun checks the clock and hurriedly gets ready to leave his office. But he stopped midway when he remembered Sooji's message this morning.

I have a company dinner dont need to pick me up...

Shihyun checks his phone. No new message from Sooji. What is she doing right now? He wonders. He dials her number on autopilot.


1st ring...
2nd ring...
3rd ring...
8th ring...

Shihyun almost hangs up the phone when Sooji suddenly picks it up.


"Sooji ah...what are you doing?", what a stupid question.

"I am in the middle of dinner...why? Did anything happen?", Sooji sounds worried.

"Noo...everything is fine...just finished my work and wondering what my girlfriend is doing right now..."

Shihyun can hear her low chuckle.

"Have you eaten yet?", Sooji asks.

"Not yet..."

"Go grab something to eat...dont sleep with an empty stomach..."

Shihyun smiles. He loves her nagging. "How could you think I can even sleep before you're next to me??"

"Oh, you're such a dramatic...", Sooji laughs.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up? I am done with my work..."

"I am sure...I dont know what time I'll be finished..."

Sooji're here...everyone is looking for you.

Shihyun can faintly hear someone talk to Sooji.

"I need to go...I'll be home soon...okay? Bye..."

"But-", Shihyun can't continue because Sooji already hung up the phone. Sooji ah?? it's a company dinner. Why would some man call her so casually like that?? Should he call her again? Nope. Definitely No. He'll look like a super possessive boyfriend. Wait. Did they know Sooji already has a boyfriend? What if they don't? Sooji never introduced him to her friends or colleagues. But to be fair, they only have been dating for a week.


Shihyun walks to his apartment building carrying a plastic bag full of cold beer. It's almost midnight and Sooji hasn't home yet. He can't sleep. And he promised himself he wouldn't bug her again. She's an adult. She can have dinner with her colleagues. He was going to open one can of cold beer when he saw a car stopped in front of his apartment building. A man comes out of the car and runs to open the passenger's side. It's Sooji.

Shihyun just watches from afar. They still talk after Sooji gets out of the car. Shihyun was going to let them finish talking without interrupting them. But the way that man is staring at Sooji bothers him.

Shihyun runs to her. "Hi...", he greets Sooji.

"Shihyun ah...", Sooji was surprised that Shihyun suddenly popped up next to her.

"Who is this?", Shihyun asks. As politely as possible.

"Oh...let me introduce you two...Shihyun ah...this is Choi Woshik...he's an actor...and...", Sooji hesitates for a second. "Friend..."

Shihyun frowns. What is it with that friend? Why was she hesitating?

"And Oppa...this is Shihyun he's..."

"her boyfriend...", Shihyun continues without missing a beat. They both exchange a handshake. With a tight smile.

"I don't know you have a boyfriend now...", Woshik is observing Shihyun from head to toe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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