Chapter 11

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Sooji is standing in front of her doorstep. "Shihyun ah...", she turns to face Shihyun who's still waiting behind her.

"What is it??", Shihyun asks worriedly because Sooji's face looks terrified.

"I heard something...I think there's someone inside...", she said. Almost in a whisper.

"Let me...", Shihyun moves forward and gently pulls her to move behind his back. He opens the door and walks carefully inside.

Sooji takes a peek from Shihyun's back. "MOOOM??!", Sooji's eyes light up when the first person she spotted was her mom in the kitchen. It's been weeks since she meet her mom.

While Shihyun noticed Sejoo's in the living room, hurriedly stand up with a panicked face. "PLAAAK!!!", Shihyun is still trying to process what happened when Sooji's mom suddenly stands in front of him and slapped him.

"How dare you show up your face again?!", Sooji's mom grits her teeth in anger.

"Mom? What are you doing???", Sooji looks at her mom confused. "Why did you slap him? He's my guest!"

Sooji's mom smiles bitterly when she realizes that her daughter still doesn't remember this man. "Sooji ah...he's not a good should stay away from him..."

"Mom! You dont know him...You shouldn't judge him like that!", Sooji turns to Shihyun, to check on his cheek. It was red. Her mom must hit him really hard. "I am so sorry...", Sooji was going to touch Shihyun's cheek when her mom stop her.

"I KNOW HIM! And you knew him..."


"Because of this man, I almost lose you..."

"What are you talking about...", Sooji looks around getting more confused. "Shihyun ah...tell me that's not right...tell me we just met a few months ago...", she begs at Shihyun. "You won't lie to me, right???"

Shihyun gulps. He can't even bear to look Sooji in the eyes.

"He left you when you need him the most, for someone else...", her mom mumbles. She knew telling Sooji the truth might open her old wound. But she doesn't want Sooji to get involved with Shihyun again, and get hurt all over again. She must stop them before it gets too deep.

"Mom!!! What kind of nonsense was that?!"

Sooji's mom went to Sejoo. "Give me that photo. I know you still keep it..."

"I dont think we need to do this...", Sejoo is trying to stop Sooji's mom.

"You saw it yourself with your own eyes what that man did to Sooji, and now you let him come near her again...I thought I can trust you to protect her..."


"Lee Sejoo...I swear to God, if you dont tell me what the truth right now, I won't ever speak to you again...", Sooji glares at Sejoo. She needs to know what the hell was actually happening.

Sejoo gulps. He takes his wallet and pulls out a blurred polaroid that he hides between all of his credit cards. Yes, he still keeps the photo of the three of them when they were in high school.

Sooji looks at the picture and stunned. It's her, with Shihyun and Sejoo. From a time that she cant remember. "You lie to me...", she mumbles.

"Choi Sooji...I can explain everything...", Shihyun finally talks.

"Go...", Sooji says. Without even looking at Shihyun.

"Choi Sooji...please..."

"What else do you want to explain??", Sooji's mom says coldly. "What else do you want from me and her? I know you hate me because of what happened to your mom...I am sorry for that...but please dont hurt Sooji again..."

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