Chapter 17

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"You dont have to stay here...", Sooji mumbles to Shihyun. Who's been sitting on the bed beside her. Shihyun was offering to stay with her after they had midnight dinner together at the convenience store.

"I know you can't sleep because of your nightmare...", Shihyun strokes Sooji's hair. And he's obviously the reason for that nightmare.

"Shihyun ah..."


"You can lay down, you know...", Sooji can see how tired Shihyun is. How many times did he almost fall asleep?

"If I lay down...I probably fall asleep faster than you...and won't wake up till morning...", Shihyun mumbles.


"I need to make sure you're sleeping first..."

"Don't be silly...It's okay...", Sooji smiles assuringly. Knowing him here, by her side. Breathing. It's enough.

After hesitating for a second, Shihyun finally gives up. His eyes are so heavy. He lays down and then turns to face Sooji. "Good night Choi Sooji..."

"Good night Kwon Shihyun..."


", let me get this two sleep together every eat breakfast together every morning before work...and he picked you up from the office every day?", Sejoo was recapping what Sooji just told him.

Sooji nods. "Sleep together platonically...", she adds. They have lunch together. She and Sejoo. It's been a week since that night. And she told Sejoo everything.

"Are you sure you haven't married him yet??? Probably in your sleep...Because what you told me sounds a lot like a married couple...", Sejoo looks at Sooji in disbelief.

"Yaaa...I am serious..."

"Me what world just friends sleeping together every night?", how could these two be so oblivious sometimes.

"We're just sleeping next to each other...and there's nothing romantic happening between us...not even a kiss...he just wants to make sure I won't have a nightmare...nothing more..."


"What now?", Sooji can feel that Sejoo's going to say something that annoys her.

"Why did you sound so disappointed?", Sejoo smirks.

"I AM NOT!!!", Sooji screams defensively and now all the people in the restaurant was looking at her.

"Sorry...she's hungry...", Sejoo playfully explains to the other guests that staring at them. Then turn to Sooji. "Your scream tells me otherwise..."

Sooji sighs. Was she disappointed? Being disappointed means she was expecting something more. Why would she expect something more from a man that she said she just want to be friends with?

Sejoo's face turns serious. "I didn't mean to side with Shihyun...I know how much he hurt you...the hell you've been through because of him...but...we all were messed up back then...I think he really regrets that...and I believe everyone deserves a second chance..."

"I know...", Sooji says weakly. "But...what if I ruin everything again..."

Sejoo understands her fear. But he just doesn't want his best friend do the same mistakes again. "Remember that day you told regretted you didn't tell him you believe him...Didn't tell him that you like him first..."

Sooji bites her lips. She did remember. The regret after realizing that she probably won't lose him if she was just brave enough to admit her feeling, hit hard.

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