Chapter 12

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Shihyun jerks awake. What was it? Was he dreaming? He needs a few seconds to remember where he is. He's in his car, waiting for Sooji to come out from her office. He fell asleep. Damn it. He checks his watch. It's past midnight. No way Sooji hasn't come out yet. Shihyun decided to go out of his car and ask the security guard.

"She came out a few minutes ago...I saw Miss Sooji walking in that direction...", the security guard points to where Sooji was walking.

Sooji was going to their apartment building. "Thank you...", Shihyun nods to the guard. And hurriedly run to chase Sooji. Maybe if he ran faster, he can catch up with her, and have a little talk.


That pushes Sooji against the wall. Pinning her body. One hand is covering her mouth while his other hand stroking her cheek with a knife. "Pretty woman like you shouldn't walk alone...", his voice is slurring. His breath reeks of alcohol.

Sooji tries to scream but her voice was muffled. She's struggling to get loose from his grips. Wriggles as hard as she can, but that man barely flinch. He's twice her size. "This knife will ruin your pretty face if you don't want to stay still...", he smiles.

That man starts sniffing her neck and Sooji freezes. "Please let me die. Just kill me now. Please.", Sooji closes her eyes hoping for this man to just kill her now.

Suddenly she feels someone yanks him off her. "GET AWAY FROM HER! YOU BASTARD!!!", she can hear someone was yelling. But her body was already shutting down. She was too terrified to open her eyes. Afraid that it's all just her delusion. Sooji bites her lips as hard as she could. Hoping everything to end.

Sooji flinches when someone touches her. "No. Just kill me...please...", Sooji pleads. Her voice is shaking.

"Sooji's me...I'm here talk to me...", Shihyun's voice is full of worry.

Sooji slowly looks up. Shihyun is standing in front of her. There's a bit of blood on his temple.

"I am to me..."
"I am to me..."
"I am to me..."

Suddenly the same words, the same scenes keep repeating in her head

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Suddenly the same words, the same scenes keep repeating in her head. She knew him. "Shihyun're here...", her voice is cracking.

"'s me...", Shihyun smiles in relief. "It'll be okay...", he pulls her into a hug. "Everything will be okay...", he's mumbling the same words he said years ago.

Sooji pushes him away instantly. And somehow Shihyun falls on his back too easily. He's clutching his stomach and grunts.

Blood. There's a lot of blood on his shirt. Sooji kneels down and panic. "You're bleeding..."

"It's just a scratch...I didn't know that he has a knife...", Shihyun tries to smile when he's obviously in pain. The amount of blood in his shirt tells Sooji that it can't be just a scratch.

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