Chapter 3

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"Shihyun ah...", Sooji's eyes light up. "I can't believe we meet here..."

Shihyun stops and looks at Sooji. Did she decide to stop pretending not to know me?

"I am sorry...I mean...Mr. Shihyun...", Sooji corrects herself when she realized she just called a stranger's name so casually. Why did she call him like that? It's embarrassing.

Shihyun sighs. Annoyed. And puts her down. "What do you want?"

"I am so sorry I came here unannounced...I know you already said No to my staff...but I really love your painting...and I wish we can work together...", Sooji hurriedly explains her intention.

"What?? Painting? Your staff? What are you talking about?"

Sooji takes her phone and shows the photo of his painting. "I saw this in the exhibition last week...and I really love it..."

Shihyun looks at Sooji frustrated. Didn't she know it was her? Is this her punishment for him?

Because Shihyun didnt say a word. Sooji takes her business card and hands it to her. "I am Choi Sooji...Chief Editor of Dazed magazine...", she formally introduced herself.

Shihyun takes her business card. He's staring at Sooji not sure what is he going to do now? Shihyun takes a deep breath. He shouldn't be mad. He deserves this. He should see this coming when he hurt her years ago.

Is this man really mad because she called him too casually? Why does he keep staring at her like that? It made her nervous. Sooji gets used to people staring at her. But his gaze was different. It wasn't like, wow you're pretty kind of stare. It's something else, she can't even tell if he's happy or sad. "I'll give you time to think about my offer...", Sooji finally says. Deciding it was best to leave for now. "I'll get going..."

"Wait...", Shihyun grabs her hand.

Sooji is a bit startled. Just a bit. Because compared to how he suddenly lifted her up a few minutes ago. Grabbing a hand was nothing. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?", Shihyun asks worriedly. "You still look a bit pale...".

"Oh...yeah...I am just...starving...", Sooji smiles awkwardly. Because telling him, she got a panic attack wasn't an option. He wouldn't want to work with her if he knew she was a bit crazy, right?

Shihyun frowns. Never seen people react like that when they're starving. "Want to come in?", he asks hesitantly. He just doesn't want her to leave.

"No...thank you-", Sooji stops herself. "I mean...I would love to...but not now...maybe next time, we can have lunch or dinner if you decided to accept my offer...",  she smiles mischievously.

Shihyun chuckles. How long has it been, since he saw that kind of smile I'm her face? "Okay...I'll give you my answer soon..."



"Where are you??", Sejoo asks impatiently.

Sooji just got out of the elevator when Sejoo suddenly called her. "Still in the apartment building that I told you...why?", she texted Sejoo this morning before she went here.

"I am here..."

"Where-", Sooji saw Sejoo standing outside his car in the apartment lobby. She hurriedly runs to him. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

"What are you doing here?", Sejoo asks back instead of answering Sooji's question.

"Doing my job, obviously.", she looks at Sejoo annoyedly.

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