Chapter 9

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"So what do you want to ask?", Sejoo looks at Shihyun knowingly as soon as Sooji left them to the bathroom. The three of them are already in the restaurant. After ordering the food, Sooji excise herself to the bathroom.

Shihyun rolls his eyes. Already not in the mood to ask. "Nothing...just wondering how close you are with Sooji actually?"


"Just curious...", Shihyun shrugs.

"No. You can't do that anymore.", Sejoo's tone turns serious.

"Do what??"

"Playing safe...stay in your safe grey zone..."

Shihyun frowns. Still not really sure about what Sejoo meant.

"What do you want with Sooji? I need an honest answer. What's your real intention? Did you come back here because you love her? Or just because you don't want to lose your friend?"


"Seeing the interaction between you two earlier...I feel the history will repeat itself...", Sejoo sighs. "So before we move forward...I want to make sure how do you feel? I dont want to make the same mistakes playing that pull and push games with your feelings..."

"I love her...", Shihyun says without missing a beat.

"Love who?", Sooji suddenly showed up behind Shihyun's back and sat next to him.

"Love the food here...", Shihyun smiles awkwardly.

"Yes, the food...", Sejoo grins. Trying to convince Sooji.

"Are you planning on my murder or something?", Sooji looks at the two men suspiciously. "You two definitely hide something from me..."

"The food is here!!", Sejoo exclaims when the waitress comes on time to bring them their food. Glad to change the object.

"Oh, God...I am starving...", Sooji bites her lips, she can feel tiny stabs in her stomach. She just remember she hasn't eaten yet, since this morning.

"Don't tell me this is your first meal today?", Shihyun looks at Sooji, with a mixed feeling of anger and worry.

"I fell asleep...", she has a day off today. So playing dead on her bed all day was her favorite thing to do.

"So you haven't eaten all day??", now it's Sejoo's turn to glare at her.

"I have...", she took a bite of toast that Shihyun made for her before she attempted to run away.

"What did you have for breakfast??", Shihyun asks. "That bite of toast I made this morning?"

Did he read her mind?? "YAAA!!! Why are you two mad at me??", Sooji feels like she was being interrogated.

"We're not mad...we're worried...", Shihyun explains.

Sooji pouts. And take a bit of her food angrily. "I am fine. I am a grown woman, I can take care of myself."

"Hold up...", Sejoo cuts them off. "What did you mean with toast that you made this morning?? Did you two have a sleepover?", he looks at his two friends curiously. "I mean...did you two already sleep together?"

"YAAAA!!!", Sooji hits Sejoo's arm as hard as she could.

"AArgh!!", Sejoo yelps.

Shihyun notices that other guests are staring at them. "You two should be quiet, or we're going to get kick out of the restaurant again...", he whispers trying to hold his laugh.

"What?", Sooji stops hitting Sejoo and looks at Shihyun stunned.

"we're going to get kicked out of this restaurant...", Shihyun chuckles.

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