Chapter 10

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"Sejoo always told me...I forget that because it wasn't important enough for me to remember...", Sooji looks down to hide her bitter smiles. "I know he said that to comfort me...that's why I never told him that I can feel I was missing something important...", Sooji looks up to find Shihyun is staring at her with so much pain in his eyes.

"I...", Shihyun doesn't even know what to say. How much he wants to turn back time and rewrite everything. Every single mistake that he made to her.

"Who knows if the part of my life that I forget is...when I was a psychopath or a serial killer, right?", Sooji smiles jokingly. She hates seeing how Shihyun's looking at her right now.

Shihyun forces a smile. Knowing she just doesn't want them to be awkward. "This is the most random rejection that I've ever you hate me that much?", he pretends to be annoyed.

Sooji chuckles. "I don't think you're the kind of man that has many experiences with rejection..."

"Why?? Because I am too irresistible?", Shihyun winks.

And Sooji's chuckles turn to a full-blown laugh. "Stop turn to Sejoo...", she says between her laugh.

"I don't mind...if it can make you laugh like that...", Shihyun smiles. How much he wished that he can always be the reason for her laugh. Not tears.


They arrived in the apartment in no time. Now, they both are standing in front of their apartment door. Their back is facing each other. Sooji was going to enter her apartment when she suddenly changes her mind. "Shihyun ah...", she turns to call Shihyun, who's still standing in front of his apartment.

"What is it?", he turns around and surprised when Sooji suddenly runs and hugs him.

"Thank you...for the ride...for the dinner...and for the laugh...", Sooji mumbles.

Shihyun can hear it clearly even though her voice was muffled because Sooji was buried her face in his chest. He tightens their hug. Pulls her even closer. He misses her. He almost cried when Sooji suddenly pull away and run back to her apartment while yelling. "GOOD NIGHT KWON SHIHYUN!"

Shihyun just stands there feeling confused. What just happened? But then smiles. Remembering her laugh. Her hugs. And her cute face when she ran away. "Good night Choi Sooji...", he mumbles.


Sooji buries her face with a pillow and screams. What is wrong with her?
She thinks she likes him.
But then she told him he shouldn't like her.
And then suddenly hugged him like he's the person that she loved the most.
What is wrong with her??? Sookie is pulling her own hair? Why can't she make up her mind?
Does she want him or not??
Yes. But...
Sooji sighs. There's this urge to say no to him. To push him away. For some reason that she can't even explain. Okay. Stop thinking. It's almost 3 in the morning. She needs to sleep. Now.


"Lee Sejoo...", Sooji sits in front of Sejoo who's been sipping his drink.

"Why did you sound so depressed?", Sejoo looks at Sooji worriedly.

"I am not depressed...I am confused...", Sooji was going to snatch Sejoo's glass but Sejoo snatch it back faster. And put a glass of orange juice in front of Sooji.

"No alcohol for you...", Sejoo deadpans.

"But I need that...", Sooji pouts.

"Just tell me what made you so confused...believe me it will be so much better than alcohol..."

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