Chapter 18

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"How was your first day in the office?", Sooji takes a bite of her food.

"'s kinda different from what I've learned in I am still trying to figure out a lot of things..."

Sooji chuckles.

"Why?? Did I say something wrong?"

"'s sound responsible...I haven't got used to that kind of Shihyun..."

"I am not sure if that's an insult or compliment...", Shihyun frowns.

"Let's just's a good thing...", Sooji smiles playfully.

"Talking about a good thing...what good news that you want to talk about with me?"

Sooji's smile fades instantly. "Mmm...", she gulps. She has been thinking all day about the right way to say it. But still has zero ideas how. "Let's stop being friends...", she blurts out.

"Excuse me, what??", Shihyun feels like someone just slaps him in the face.

"Let's stop being friends...I want more than that...", Sooji's trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Huh? Wait what?", Shihyun stares at her.
Stop being a friend.
More than a friend.
What did she actually want??? His brain is still trying to figure out what she meant by that. "Do you...want us", he asks carefully. Hoping his brain didnt make the wrong conclusion.

"No. I want us to be a mortal enemy!", Sooji rolls her eyes. Annoyed at how slow Shihyun is sometimes.

"You agreed for us to date...", Shihyun's eyes light up and he just can't stop grinning right now. "So...I am your boyfriend now...", he talks to himself. Still grinning. "And you are my girlfriend..."

"Stop look like a fool now...", Sooji holds her laugh.

"But this fool is yours now...", Shihyun smirks. "And you can't take it back what you've said, okay?"

"I probably won't...but I don't know about you...", Sooji shrugs.

Shihyun's smile falters. She might try to say it as a joke, but he knew it was more than that. It's part of her trauma because of all the things he did before. He holds Sooji's hand and looks at her seriously. "Choi Sooji...look at me..."


"I might make mistakes...we might fight sometimes...", Shihyun stops and corrects himself. "Hell...we might fight a lot...and I might lose my mind...but...I will never let go...", he squeezes Sooji's hand gently. "I will never let you go...forever...".

Sooji stares at Shihyun's eyes. "I don't want your forever...because it's either too long...or too short...", she mumbles. Remembering all the broken promises about forever. "I just want now...", she doesn't want to think too far ahead. She doesn't want to guess what will happen. She doesn't want to play with what-ifs again.

Shihyun glances at their joined hand. " about...I will never let you go today...and probably tomorrow...No...not probably...definitely tomorrow...", he smiles. He understands what's going through Sooji's head right now.

Sooji repeats Shihyun's words with a smile. "Definitely tomorrow...", she loves that. Tomorrow doesn't seem too far out of reach.

"And the next day..."

"The next day is okay...", Sooji agrees. She's looking at the man in front of him. She can see his eyes twinkling with happiness. And that boyish smile, it seems like it's been million years ago. And somehow, she felt like all the heartbreak was worth it. Just to see that smile again.

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