Chapter 4

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"She really doesn't remember you...the Choi Sooji you've meet this morning doesn't remember that Kwon Shihyun ever existed in her life..."

Shihyun is staring at Sejoo in disbelief. He must be kidding right? "What??"

Sejoo just sighs.

"You're serious?? was that even possible??"

Sejoo glances at Shihyun. "Killing you seems easier than retelling that story...", he hates remembering that awful times. But Shihyun looks really confused, and Sejoo knows if he didn't tell him, no one would. Besides, part of him wants Shihyun to realize what he has done to Sooji. "You probably already heard about Sooji...trying to kill herself when you were in a coma..."

Shihyun nods. "I went to see her...after I woke up...but her mom won't let me see her...", he says sadly. "I didn't blame her mom...I know why she did that..."

Sejoo is surprised. He didn't know that Shihyun went to meet Sooji. "She should let you meet her...", Sejoo mumbles in regret.

"What? Why?"

"She tried to kill herself again..."

"Again???", Shihyun freezes.

"She got into a car accident...she broke her arms...her ribs...", Sejoo bites his lips. "It was a miracle that she survived...and when she woke up...she looked happy...", he remembered when Sooji opened her eyes after the accident. "She if it wasn't the same Sooji that got into the accident...the doctor said...she has partial memory lost...and it was mostly about's her body defense mechanism...they erased the most painful memories to survive..."

Shihyun is staring at his empty glass. He feels like someone just steals his soul. He doesn't even know how to proceed Sejoo's explanation. "At least she can't hate me if she didnt remember me, right...", Shihyun smiles bitterly. Trying to cheer himself. 

Sejoo isn't sure what to say. He can't imagine how it feels if Sooji forgets about his existence.

"Did you rush to pick her up today...because you're afraid that she'll remember me?"

"No...I am afraid that she'll remember the pain...", Sejoo glances at Shihyun. Wondering if he remembers that day. "She saw Taehee entering your apartment that day...years ago...I was afraid she'll remember her pain that day..."

"What? You said she can't remember me?", Shihyun puts down his glass and looks at Sejoo puzzled.

"I brought her here...once...and she suddenly had a panic attack...she was sobbing uncontrollably...when she calmed down...she told me that she didn't know why or with whom she was here...but when she saw this place she felt like someone ripped her heart apart...". Sejoo takes a deep breath. "So...when she told me she went to your apartment...without knowing who you were...I was worried...I don't know how she'll react if she remembered that feeling..."

"Damn it.", Shihyun curses himself. What has he done to her??

"Don't worry...she's fine most of the time...", Sejoo can see the guilt in Shihyun's eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't come back...I'll probably make it worse..."

"I am glad you come back...", Sejoo honestly feels relieved that Shihyun keeps the promise he said in his letter.

"Why?", Shihyun frowns. "Sooji already forgets's better that she never saw she wouldn't remember me again..."

"The problem is...She's like a ticking bomb...The doctor said that the memories will come back...even tho they weren't sure how long it takes...but I want you to stay here, by her side when that matter how she'll react..."

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