Chapter 8

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Sooji stirs awake. She really doesn't want to wake up now. But she needs to pee. Damn it. Sooji gets up. Still refuse to completely open her eyes. Hurriedly walk to the bathroom, with half-closed eyes. And freezes as soon as she stepped inside the bathroom.

"Choi Sooji!!", Shihyun is half screaming.

While Sooji is standing there. Completely still. Her eyes are now wide awake. And can't stop staring at the view in front of her. Shihyun is a few steps away from her. Wearing nothing.

Shihyun's hands are fumbling trying to grab the towel. To cover himself.

Sooji knows that she should stop staring. She should run out of the bathroom. Or scream. But her eyes are glued on the droplet that runs down from his hair to his shoulder. Down to his chest. And down to his perfectly sculptured abs. And down to.

"Eheeem...", Shihyun clears his throat. Trying to get Sooji's attention back to his face.

"I...", Sooji gulps. Too flustered to say anything.

"Excuse me...", Shihyun walks out of the bathroom. Without even taking a glance at Sooji. Already covered up with a towel. And close the door. To let Sooji recover from the shock. And embarrassment.

Sooji drops herself on the floor as soon as Shihyun closed the door.

Oh, God. He must think she was a pervert.
But damn that body...
Oh, God. She thinks she is.
But it's not like she knew there's naked Shihyun in the bathroom, right???
Oh, God. Why can't she stop staring???
She should at least pretend to be shy and covered her face like a normal innocent girl.
But of course no, she was shamelessly enjoying the view. She feels like slapping herself in the head.
How can she recover from this embarrassment???
Can she just disappear into thin air???
Okay, Choi Sooji. Take a deep breath. Just pretend you didn't see anything.
Sooji washes her face, trying to wash away the embarrassment. As if it was that easy, she snorts to herself.

Why was there naked Shihyun in her bathroom? Sooji gets up and looks around. The interior was exactly the same as her bathroom but there's shaving cream. All the toiletries are mostly in black. Where is she??? Is this Shihyun's apartment?? How?? What was happening last night? How did she end up here??

Sooji gets out of the bathroom slowly. Because she can't hide in Shihyun's bathroom forever. And the bedroom is empty. Sooji keeps glancing around while walking out of Shihyun's bedroom.

"Are you going to sneak out from here?", Shihyun asks from the kitchen.

"Oh God, you startle me...", Sooji jumps in surprise.

"Coffee?", Shihyun offers.

No. "Yes sure...", she smiles. Damn it, why can't her mouth and her brain cooperate??? Sooji walks to the kitchen where Shihyun is brewing a pot of coffee. She sits in front of him. She watches him pouring a cup for her. And her eyes somehow wander to his muscled arm.

"'s hot...", Shihyun warns her about the coffee.

" are...", Sooji replies still admiring his arm.


Sooji snaps back to reality. "I mean...yes it is...", did she just unconsciously say he was hot??? "The coffee..."

Shihyun smirks. Kinda proud of how he affected her.

Sooji sips her hot coffee slowly. Thinking about how to start the conversation.

"You fell asleep last didn't even wake up when I picked you up here...", Shihyun explains. Knowing that Sooji must be wondering how she ended up in his apartment.

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