Chapter 16

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Sooji takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself before opening the door. She touches her lips hoping it doesn't look as swollen as she feels. She opens the door.

"Good morning...", It's Sejoo. He's standing there with two paper bags. Probably take out for their breakfast. "Are you okay??", he is looking at her worriedly.

"Yeah...I am fine...", Sooji gulps. She must look like a mess. "Why?"

"You're red..."


Sejoo touches Sooji's forehead. "You don't have a fever...", he frowns.

"Oh...hahaha...I am okay...", Sooji laughs awkwardly. "Not a fever...and totally okay..."

Sejoo glances inside suspiciously. "I am pretty sure Shihyun is here?"


"Are you two fighting again??"

"Huh? No! We're just...Uhm...I am...helping him change his bandage..."

"Okay...but is that the reason why you haven't let me inside..."

"Oh right...sorry...", Sooji just realize they were still standing in front of her apartment door. "Come in...".

Sejoo steps inside and goes right to the kitchen. Taking out all the food in his paper bag. "Where is Shihyun?", he glances around and there's no Shihyun insight.

"In my bedroom...", Sooji replies nonchalantly while helping Sejoo put up the food on the table.

"Interesting...", Sejoo smirks.

"Nothing interesting about that."

"Nothing...", something must happen. Seeing how defensive his friend is right now.

"Good morning...", Shihyun walks out from Sooji's bedroom and joins them in the kitchen.

"Why are you here...I haven't finished putting on your bandage...", because somehow they ended up in each other mouths. Sooji blushes. Feeling embarrassed and stupid at the same time.

Shihyun lifts his t-shirt. "I did...", showing that he already did it himself.


"EHEM!", Sejoo clears his throat. Why does he feel like he's interrupting something?


" remember everything??"

The three of them are having breakfast in Sooji's living room. Sooji explains everything to Sejoo, except the kiss. Obviously.

Sooji nods. "Yeah...everything..."

"You know who he is?? Or who he was...", Sejoo points at Shihyun.

"Hm...", Sooji nods again.

Sejoo looks at Sooji and observes her from head to toe.

"What are you looking at??", Sooji glares at Sejoo.

"I've never expected you to be this calm when you finally remember everything...", Sejoo says honestly. He thought she'll have a full-blown breakdown or something.

Shihyun glances at Sooji. Because honestly he really didn't expect it to be this easy either.

"I don't know...", Sooji shrugs. Trying to find a way to describe her feeling. "I guess it feels like a healed scar now...not a fresh wound...I still remember what happened...what I feel before....but now it doesn't feel that hurt anymore..."

"I am sorry...fresh wound or scars...I hurt you either way...", Shihyun feels his chest tighten hearing her explanation. Those scars will be forever a reminder of the shitty thing he did to her.

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