Chapter twenty-two

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Two weeks later


November 11th


Malani had been on edge for the past two weeks, seeing the last two people she ever wanted to see again on the face of the earth had her shook

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Malani had been on edge for the past two weeks, seeing the last two people she ever wanted to see again on the face of the earth had her shook. She couldn't think straight. She's been paranoid for days now and she barely slept. Everywhere she went, she felt like someone was watching her. Everyone noticed how on edge she's been but she continued to lie to everyone including East. Saying she's fine but she knew that was far from true.

She didn't understand how they could have possibly found her. It's been two damn years almost three. And the fact that she saw both of them. Did they become friends, were they friends all this time. Why were they in Houston. Why were they watching her. How did they find her. What did they want. What was they planning. All these thoughts ran through her mind, driving her crazy. She knew just how psycho her ex was and she would never put anything past him.

Malani blankly stared at her MacBook computer screen as all these thoughts flooded her mind. She was suppose to be updating her booking site, and was also paying bills for her shop. But recently she couldn't stay focus at all. The only time she felt peace and her mind was quiet is whenever she's in East arms.

She was at his house right now laying in his bed working. While he was downstairs washing dishes. He had fixed them dinner.

East could sense something was going on with Malani  and for two weeks now he kept asking was she alright. And she had yet to tell the truth. She lied every time and it honestly was throwing him off but he knew he couldn't force her to open up. He just wanted to be there for her and help her. But she wouldn't allow that to happen.

He tried to take her mind off things and took her on a date last week and then yesterday after work. But she still seem spaced out even after the great time they both had.

Once East made his way into his room, he saw Malani staring at her computer screen. He saw the sad expression on her face. He walked over to her. She didn't even notice he entered the room. He sat down in front of her, she still had yet to look up.

"Malani....Lani." He said as he lightly shook her.

"Baby." East said as he gently touched her face. She slightly jumped and looked up at him.

"You ok ma." East says with a concerned expression. He didn't like the feeling of knowing she was stressed or bothered by something and he couldn't help. She wouldn't let him but nonetheless he would still keep trying, till she let her wall down fully.

"Yea...I just spaced out for a second." Malani said as she looked at his face and saw the worry in his eyes.

"U done with yo website yet." East said changing the conversation since he didn't wanna pressure her into opening up.

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