Chapter 24

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Chad and Jeremy took Amanda to the woods where a beautiful queen in pink was waiting for them.

"Miss Amanda Schaefer, I presume?" said the queen.

"That's me" said Amanda.

"I am Queen Anna of Diversity. And this is my assistant, Duchess Gaby" said the queen.

"Hi" said Gaby, a beautiful duchess in green.

"Are you prepared to go home?" said Queen Anna.

"Yes, your majesty" said Amanda.

"You could stay longer, but you must leave by order of the Three Warriors. You aren't safe here" said Queen Anna.

"I'm so glad they're trying to protect me this time" said Amanda.

"What do you mean, luv?" said Jeremy.

"When I met them, they thought I was crazy. In fact the first time I shook hands with them, they thought I was attacking them" said Amanda.

"Oh, that's so silly. We know you're a gentle handshaker" said Chad.

"Actually, when I met those guys, I was a much more aggressive handshaker. You're glad you met me now" said Amanda.

"My goodness. How could you have evolved like that? The kids seem like your mentors now" said Jeremy.

"I think you just answered your own question. They evolved me" said Amanda.

"Ah, those kids. Can't get anything by them, eh?" said Chad.

Duchess Gaby laughed and said "Amanda, our portal is almost ready for you to travel through".

"Thanks" said Amanda.

"You may say goodbye" said Duchess Gaby.

"Well... goodbye. It's been nice meeting you, Chad and Jeremy" said Amanda.

"It was a pleasure having you around, Miss Amanda" said Jeremy.

"You know... the next time I watch The Jungle Book in my time, I'll think about you guys" said Amanda.

"Of course. But would you ever listen to our songs? So you'd remember both of us?" said Jeremy.

"Certainly I would. And I will too" said Amanda.

She gave the two men a hug.

Before she turned to leave, she said to Chad "But... could you say one of your lines in The Jungle Book? If you've memorized any of them at this moment in time?"

Chad laughed and thought on his lines.

"Blimey! He's got legs like a stork, he has!" he said.

Amanda squealed with laughter and hugged Chad and Jeremy one last time.

"Are you ready now?" said Queen Anna.

"Yes, your highness. Goodbye, Queen Anna of Diversity" said Amanda.

"Goodbye, my dear" said Queen Anna.

"Goodbye, Duchess Gaby" said Amanda.

"Goodbye, Amanda. I hope to see you again soon" said Duchess Gaby.

Amanda stepped through the time portal and was escorted home.

"Chad the lad... our work here is done" said Jeremy.

"Not completely done. We're part of the kids' army too" said Chad.

"Oh yes. I hope something can be worked out" said Jeremy.

"Me too. I almost lost Meg last time" said Chad.

"Well, at least we know she's safe now" said Jeremy.

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