Chapter 11

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The Warriors returned home to find Amanda strolling with August.

"Amanda?" said Calvin.

"Three Warriors! You're just who I was looking for" said Amanda.

"Honey, we have a job to do. We thought our missing person would be here" said Calvin.

"We're searching for a certain Miss Vivienne Bettencourt. Commissioner Gordon had her parents give us information. And nothing we've found follows it" said Sam.

August's eyes widened at Vivienne's name.

"What's with him?" said Charles Wallace.

"This is August Ecclestone. He's missing someone too" said Amanda.

"Correction. They're looking for exactly who I'm looking for" said August.

"This Vivienne Bettencourt is your girlfriend?" said Amanda.

"Yes. Thank goodness you guys already know. Amanda here says you can find her in an instant" said August.

"Maybe a little more than an instant, but we certainly can" said Charles Wallace.

"Has the commissioner found anything?" said August.

"The police have tried everything. Now it's up to us Warriors. And the Dynamic Duo" said Calvin.

"Did you say the Dynamic Duo?" said Amanda.

"Yes we did" said Sam.

"The Dynamic Duo?"

"You bet" said Sam.

"Batman and Robin! I didn't know you were helping them out" said Amanda.

"We only met them not too long ago. In our time at least" said Charles Wallace.

"Where are they now?" said Amanda.

"Robin's sick" said Sam.

"Yeah, so it's just us today" said Calvin.

Batman and Robin drove over in the Batmobile just then.

"I spoke too soon" said Calvin.

"Robin, we thought you were sick" said Sam.

"I feel better now, Sam" said Robin.

"Well, that's good news. We have some information for you guys" said Calvin.

"This guy August here told us Vivienne is his girl. Maybe he could tell us more" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm afraid I can't, little guy. I know as much about her disappearance as her parents do" said August.

"That's alright. I think I know exactly what happened to her" said Calvin.

"Cal, if you still think Catwoman did it..." said Charles Wallace.

"Of course! She came right as us saying she was straight and when we told her what we were doing, she ran right out!" said Calvin.

"I believe Calvin's right. With her being back in town and all this commotion, she could be part of it" said Batman.

"Uh... guys? Are you gonna introduce me to the Dynamic Duo?" said Amanda.

"Oh yeah. Batman and Robin, Amanda Schaefer. The well known time traveller" said Sam.

"She's come here a few times before. And I must say, her act has improved a lot since" said Calvin.

"Her act?" said Robin.

"Long story" said Charles Wallace.

"Lovely to meet you, Miss Amanda. But we mustn't dilly dally for any longer. If you'll excuse the Warriors, they have some crimefighting to attend to" said Batman.

"Oh, of course" said Amanda letting the kids go.

"And if August gets a little too stressed, have him see the Wiggles. He'll be de-stressed in time for Vivienne's return" said Sam.

"You got it" said Amanda. 

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