Chapter 14

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Robin hurried to where Sam threw the bomb.

She was nowhere in sight. 

"Sam! Are you alright? Can you hear me?" he cried.

Sam then landed from the sky right behind him.

"I'm fine, Robin" she said.

Robin turned around fast and noticed his friend.

"Holy heart failure! You scared me!" he said.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to. But I did get rid of that bomb just fine. Just like Batman did, so you say" said Sam.

"You risked your life to save that riffraff in the bar?" said Robin.

"A good warrior never lets her people down. No matter how much she... despises their habits" said Sam.

"Batman once told me that even drinkers are still human beings" said Robin.

"I guess he's right. And the Wiggles always say that everyone is completely different but completely the same. They're human" said Sam.

"Holy wisdom; those Wiggles sure are smart" said Robin.

"Yeah. They can be a big help in some tough spots" said Sam.

"Believe me, I know that" said Robin.

Then he winced in pain again.

"So sure you're completely recovered?" said Sam.

"I'm well enough to help you, I know that" said Robin.

"Well, you have been helping pretty well" said Sam.

"Then don't worry about it. Worry about your niece" said Robin.

"Oh, criminy! You're right. Come on" said Sam.

But before they could start off, Robin held his belly and collapsed.

"Sam... it hurts" he said.

"Are you SURE you're okay?" said Sam.

"I don't know anymore" said Robin near tears.

"Okay, let's get you home" said Sam.

"No! We need to get your niece. I'm fine" said Robin.

Sam put her hands on her hips and stared at Robin's hand on his belly.

"That is not fine" she said.

"Ooh!" Robin groaned in pain.

"Come on, Robin. Up you get" said Sam helping him up.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I shouldn't have held you up like that" said Robin.

"It wasn't your fault. Now come on; we gotta make you better. The Wiggles will have something" said Sam.

"They always do, I gotta say" said Robin.

"Yes they do. I once recovered from food poisoning with them and they had me recovered in no time" said Sam.

"But this is a little worse than food poisoning" said Robin patting his belly.

"Well, we're still coming to the right people" said Sam.

Catwoman saw them through the window.

"It's the Green Warrior and the Boy Wonder. They're onto us" she said.

"Well, we've got them outnumbered. For real this time" said the Penguin.

"Oh yes. With Rose Grayson's help, we'll convince those Warriors we're straight" said the Riddler.

"Oh, it's too delicious! And the Boy Wonder seemed sick from the way he looked" said the Joker.

"Yes. It must be the lingering effects of my pregnancy gas" said the Penguin.

The villains sang about it. 

Penguin: We never thought that the pain would linger

Joker: Everything we've worked for has paid off

Catwoman: Our scheme is working purr-fectly purr-fect

Riddler: For once our plans won't be ruined or rebuffed

Catwoman: We've done all that we can

Now we have help and it'll certainly work

Joker: Yes indeed, we'll succeed

Cause the pain has lingered from when Robin gave birth

Penguin: We'll relive the memory of when Robin gave birth

All: Gave birth, gave birth, when Robin gave birth

Riddler: Cause the pain has lingered from when Robin gave birth

All: Gave birth, gave birth

When Robin gave, Robin gave

Robin gave birth

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