Chapter 19

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The Warriors woke up tied to a spinning wheel.

"Oh my gawrsh! What is this?" said Sam.

"This, my dear Sam, is your deathtrap" said the Joker.

"A-ha! I knew you'd never gone straight!" said Calvin.

"You are a smart boy, Calvin. It really is a shame we have to destroy you" the Penguin quacked.

"I don't believe it" said Calvin.

He vocalized again.

"What are you doing?" said the Joker.

Elsa appeared and froze the floor causing the villains to slip.

"Where did you come from?" said the Riddler.

Elsa didn't answer. She iced the Warriors free so they could rescue Briar and Vivienne.

"Aunt Sam!" said Briar.

"Calvin O'Keeffe" said Vivienne.

"I was afraid you wouldn't remember me, Viv" said Calvin.

"Of course I remember you. I've always enjoyed our brief meetings. You were my mother's best student" said Vivienne.

"Briar. Are you okay?" said Sam.

"Yes, I'm fine, Aunt Sam. But I'm pretty freaked out" said Briar.

"Me too. Those villains told us they were inviting us for tea. But it was all a kidnapping" said Vivienne.

The two girls sang about the trick they were in.

Briar: Those trusting voices, caught me off guard

When I found out they lied, it hit me hard

They made it hard to recognize

They made me unable to open my eyes

Vivienne: And everything is clear now

We know their real game

And it's super duper easy now

To know nothing will be the same

Both: It was a dirty trick

They tricked us so darn good that it's making us ache

It was a dirty trick

They just caught us off guard, oh what a mistake

Vivienne: It only makes me feel, feel thick as a brick

Briar: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

Vivienne: I always take my mother's advice

To not trust people who aren't nice

They acted like they could be cool

But they turned out to be total tools

Briar: It's all a chain reaction from

Our arch enemies

All it makes us really feel is dumb

Cause we're anyone who sees

Both: That it's a dirty trick

They tricked us so darn good that it's making us ache

It was a dirty trick

They just caught us off guard, oh what a mistake

Briar: It only makes me feel, feel thick as a brick

Vivienne: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

Both: We don't know what to do now

Wanna have tea with us? You must think twice

We just saw them come after you now

We need some good advice

Briar: This was a dirty

Vivienne: Dirty

Both: Trick

They tricked us so darn good that it's making us ache

Vivienne: This was a dirty

Briar: Dirty

Both: Trick

They just caught us off guard, oh what a mistake

It only makes us feel, feel thick as a brick

Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

Briar: This was such a dirty trick

Vivienne: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

This was such a dirty trick

Briar: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

This was such a dirty trick

Vivienne: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

Both: Can't believe we didn't know this was a dirty trick

"It doesn't matter now. We're here to rescue you both" said Calvin.

"Let's get you two home" said Elsa.

As the Warriors and Elsa got the two girls back to Gotham City and Never Land, the villains stood up.

"Those little heathens are better at escaping than Batman and Robin!" said Catwoman.

"Isn't it obvious? That ridiculous vocalization must have called that ice lady" said the Joker.

"I've never been so attracted to my enemy" said Catwoman.

"Well, you've got a while to get unattracted, Catwoman. We need to get those kids back. Obviously, even my riddles couldn't trick them" said the Riddler.

"Of course, we don't blame you, Rose dear. You did well with them" said the Penguin.

"Yes... Thanks" said Rose wearily.

"And as I am a man of my word, I reward you with this fine Canadian perfume" said the Riddler.

"Oh, thank you, but... I don't know if I can accept this. You tried to kill my father's friends" said Rose.

"Your father will never know. His friends are safe now" said the Riddler.

Reluctantly, Rose accepted the perfume.

"I still can't believe you made me do this" she said.

"Oh, please! Your father won't know" said the Riddler.

"Yes he will. And I thought I'd heard everything" said Rose.

"You only hear what you want to hear, Rose. Because that's all you listen to" said Catwoman.

"You're too naive to understand reformed villains, dearie" said the Joker. 

Rose rushed away and went to the corner of the hideout to cry.

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