Chapter 4

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Calvin, Sam and Charles Wallace hurried into the Changing Tree and put on their skin-tight red, blue and green Warrior uniforms, utility belts and gold capes.

"Now let's say the Warrior oath" said Charles Wallace.

"Arms in, Warriors" said Sam.

The kids put their arms in and said their oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

Sam: The Three Warriors...

All: Are on the case!

"Okay. Where do we go?" said Charles Wallace.

"Buddy, we're supposed to look at the Finder Flag" said Calvin.

"Oh yeah. I forgot" said Charles Wallace.

Sam looked at the Finder Flag.

"Where's it telling us to go?" said Calvin.

"Uh... Wayne Manor" said Sam.

"Looks like Bruce and Dick need our help today" said Charles Wallace.

Sam sprinkled the boys in pixie dust and the three of them flew to Wayne Manor.

They sang along the way.

Somebody's needing our help today

So here we go! Let's fly away!

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

The Warriors got to Wayne Manor just as Aunt Harriet approached Alfred.

"What is that strange beeping coming from Bruce's study?" she said.

"I never heard any beeping, madam" said Alfred.

The kids entered at that very moment.

"Oh, the Three Warriors! Thank goodness. Poor Dick, he collapsed earlier and he needs help" said Aunt Harriet.

"Is that it?" said Sam.

"Yes. You better tend to him this minute" said Alfred.

The kids thought he was leading them upstairs, but he really led them into the study.

"The real reason we called is that Master Dick collapsed and Mr Bruce won't leave him. There is no one to answer the Batphone" Alfred explained.

"And you want us to answer it" said Sam. 

"Exactly" said Alfred.

Calvin picked up the phone.

"We're sorry about the hold-up, Commissioner. We're ready to serve" he said.

"Who is this?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Calvin O'Keeffe of the Three Warriors, sir" said Calvin.

"Oh! The Three Warriors! The answer to any policeman's prayers" said Commissioner Gordon.

"What's the problem?" said Calvin.

"We have a missing person to report. Could you three come to my office at once please?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"We're on our way" said Calvin.

He hung up the phone and said "To Commissioner Gordon's office, Warriors".

And off they went.

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