Chapter 23

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The kids declared war on the villains and asked their best friends the Beatles to help.

At the same time, Amanda had been spending time with the lads. 

She didn't want them to get hurt at war. Yet, she wanted to go with them.

Mostly because she didn't want Paul to die out there. 

And Paul didn't want her to go to war because she was a time traveller and it wasn't safe for a time traveller to go near the villains.

Better yet, he was taken, but he still loved her as much as he did her last visit.

Amanda sang about what she was going through.

The bat-war is raging

Paulie has to fight

I want to be with him

From morning to night

I want to be with him

It grieves my heart so

Won't you let me go with you?

Paul: No, my love, no

Amanda: Well, Batman is frightened

Robin is in bed

And the Warriors now need you

They said you must go ahead

The Warriors now need you

It grieves my heart so

Won't you let me go with you?

Paul: No, my love, no

Amanda: I'll tie back my hair

Men's clothing I'll put on

And I'll pass as your mate

As we march along

I'll pass as your mate

No one will ever know

Won't you let me go with you?

Paul: No, my love, no

Amanda: Oh, Paulie, oh Paulie

I fear you are unkind

I love you far better 

Than all of mankind

I love you far better

Than words can e'er express

Don't understand that, Paul?

Paul: Yes, my love, yes

But, Amanda, my love

You can't be seen in this mess

Won't you accept this answer?

Amanda: Yes, my love, yes

"Good girl. Elsa is on her way here now. You'll be going home soon" said Paul.

"Then I guess this is goodbye" said Amanda.

"Goodbye, Amanda. I give you my word. I'll send your regards to the other three" said Paul.

"Thanks" said Amanda.

Elsa came back and said "It's time, Amanda. The Diversity Queen and her assistant are waiting".

Amanda nodded and obeyed.

"I must go help out the Warriors. Chad and Jeremy will see you back to the future safely" said Elsa.

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